每個人都有自己的顏色!大象是灰色、金魚是紅色,而小豬則是粉紅色的。 只有變色龍,他沒有自己的顏色。可是,他好想要有自己的顏色!好難過喔!碰到檸檬變成檸檬色,跑到老虎身上就變成老虎色的感覺,真是受夠了!討厭討厭,直到……!認識自我、認同自我、活出自我,艱深的哲理,透過Leo Lionni的故事,簡單呈現給讀者!
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Snowy the Zebra
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Think, Dear! Three Stories About Charles: Includes Keep Your Mouth Closed, Dear; Use Your Head, Dear; and Are You Thinking Again
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Biscuit and Friends: My First Box Set
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Sarah Era Una Aranita De Siete Patas /Sarah was a Seven-Legged Spider
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Digby Dinosaur Finds His Roar
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I Don’t Know What to Call My Cat
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The Big Book of Beasts
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Goodwin the Goat
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The Quest for Pie
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An Elephant & Piggie Biggie!
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In the Zoo: Rattle Included
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Good Night Birds
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The Pet I’ll Get
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The Bolds to the Rescue
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