豐富的想像力是幼兒與一般成人最不同的地方。客廳可以是太空艙,紙片可以是鈔票…。All Change系列操作書,是出版社特別精心設計用來滿足小朋友想像力的新奇操作書系列,以紅緞帶與書黏在一起的形狀圖卡,正面是小男生、背面是小女生,讓小朋友可以自由決定自己的身份。而每一頁都是一個口袋設計,小朋友可以將人形圖卡插入,頓時變換不同身份。這本All Chagne-Animals 主題是『動物』,小朋友可想像自己變成可愛的企鵝、勇敢的老虎、吃紅蘿蔔的兔子…。角色變換的樂趣,讓小朋友奔馳的想像力獲得做大的發揮。
E. Aster Bunnymund and the Warrior Eggs at the Earth’s Core!
$210 -
Romeo and Lou Blast Off
$280 -
Snowy the Zebra
$838 -
Me & Jack
$280 -
The Bolds to the Rescue
$595 -
The Perfect Siesta: Junior Library Guild Selection
$558 -
Are You a Monkey?: A Tale of Animal Charades
$504 -
Rain Reign
$280 -
Sarah Era Una Aranita De Siete Patas /Sarah was a Seven-Legged Spider
$550 -
Where in Tinga Tinga Is Tickbird?
$245 -
All About Cats
$280 -
Little Whale in Deep Trouble: A Story Inspired by a True Event
$350 -
Zebra on the Go
$593 -
The Dragons of Ordinary Farm
$280 -
A Horse Named Steve
$593 -
Caring for Your Lion
$593 -
Good Night Birds
$348 -
Fair Wind to Widdershins
$210 -
The Quest Begins
$595 -
I Don’t Know What to Call My Cat