Sachar繼Wayside School系列後又創作了此本數學遊戲的小書,其中有許多有趣、充滿創意、考驗讀者邏輯及推理能力的數學問題,例如: elf 加 elf 等於fool (請用直式的加法列出),讓你去推算e , f, l, o 這4個字母分別是哪4個數字。(這例題可只是個入門題喔,還有更多叫人傷腦筋的問題呢!)翻閱這本書時,讀者會有種正在和Sachar玩鬥智遊戲的感覺,更恍然大悟他在Holes 這本書中的豐富情節及縝密架構,早有所本。(擷取自曾淑芬)
Amelia Bedelia’s First Apple Pie
$350 -
Blob: The Ugliest Creature in the World
$593 -
The Mouse and the Motorcycle: Read-aloud
$560 -
A Whole Lot of Lucky
$280 -
The Onlyhouse
$453 -
The Last Fifth Grade of Emerson Elementary
$245 -
Monster Needs to Go to School
$593 -
$210 -
Today I Feel Silly and Other Moods That Make My Day
$245 -
The Looney Experiment
$315 -
Into the River
$350 -
Finding Fortune
$280 -
The Princess and the Potty
$455 -
My Hair Is a Garden
$595 -
Let’s Be…astronauts
$455 -
Sweet Home Alaska
$280 -
Amanda Panda Quits Kindergarten
$630 -
The Continent: Library Edition
$2,100 -
$278 -
The Continent