母雞Rosie離開了雞舍,去門去散個小步。她好整以暇,一路平平順順地走著,就這麼兜了一圈回到雞舍,渾然不知打從一開始她的身後就跟著一頭狐狸。不過這隻狐狸運氣可就沒那麼好了,他一路上可是障礙不斷,災禍連連呢。作者Pat Hutchins以簡單的32個字,再加上14幅版畫風格的插圖,訴說出一個讓人忍俊不住的逗趣故事。
Rosie the hen leaves the chicken coop and sets out for a little walk. Right behind her is the fox, slyly trying to catch up with her. Rosie's walk is quiet, uneventful and eventually leads her back to the coop, blissfully unaware of the fox's travails as he tries -- unsuccessfully -- to navigate the obstacle course that Rosie has led him through.
Pat Hutchins is the author-illustrator of several popular picture books, including Good-Night, Owl; Titch; and The Wind Blew, for which she won the Kate Greenaway Medal. She lives in
London, England.