壹 北京城:歷史發展的特點及其改造
Beijing: Its Characteristics of Historical Development and Transformation
貳 展望首都新風貌:北京舊城城市設計的改造
The Transformation of the Old City of Beijing, China—A Concrete Manifestation of New China』s Cultural Reconstruction
叄 試論北京城市規划建設中的三個里程碑
Views on Three Milestones in the Construction of Beijing City
肆 從北京到華盛頓——城市設計主題思想試探
From Beijing to Washington—A Contemplation on the Concept of Municipal Planning
伍 在所謂新航路的發現以前中國與東非之間的海上交通
Oversea Communications Between China and East Africa Before the So-called Discovery of the New Sea-route
陸 古代中國地理文獻的現代解釋
A Modern Interpretation of Ancient Chinese Geographical Literature
柒 新時代的萬里長城
The Ancient Great Wall in a New Era
捌 內蒙古自治區西部沙漠中幾個重要的古城廢墟
Ancient City Ruins in the Deserts of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China
玖 我從燕京大學來
I Come from Yenching University
拾 悼羅士培教授——寄自羅教授手創之利物浦大學地理學院
In Memory of Professor P. M. Roxby—From the School of Geography of the University of Liverpool
拾壹 1984 年7 月4 日在英國利物浦大學畢業典禮上代表應屆畢業生及榮譽學位獲得者致辭
Address at the Commencement of Liverpool University
拾貳 在美國地理學會榮譽委員會授獎儀式上的發言
Hou Renzhi』s Acceptance Address for the George Davidson Medal