
NT $ 182
  • 作者:李音
  • 出版社:中國宇航出版社
  • 出版日期:2013-08-01
  • 語言:簡體中文
  • ISBN10:7515904534
  • ISBN13:9787515904535
  • 裝訂:288頁 / 普通級 / 1-1



臉譜有望與谷歌的移動操作系統安卓合作的事件再次點燃了臉譜可能做手機的傳言;美國《新聞周刊》,在走過了80年傳承的紙墨飄香時代之後,推出了電子版本《全球新聞周刊》;諾基亞和摩托羅拉曾雙雄稱霸,轉眼間市場已被蘋果及安卓系統的智能手機搶占;辦公室不再使用傳統的鑰匙開門,只要在智能手機上安裝一款名叫「共享密鑰」的應用程序,就能夠「芝麻開門」;人類探索太空取得重大的飛躍,「好奇號」探測器安全登陸火星,肩負著探測火星生命環境的使命;研究人員對惠更斯探測器(Huygens probe)的傳感器數據進行了重構,使人們又一次對神秘的太空有了新認識;「桑迪」橫掃美國東海岸,全球氣候變暖使很多發展中國家遭受著沙漠化威脅,全世界冰川融化速度創下歷史最快紀錄。



VOA Online universities offer free classes to millions
數百萬在線免費大學課程來襲 2
VOA New navigation technology predicts traffic conditions
新導航技術預測交通路況 4
VOA E-books catch on at public library
電子書風靡公共圖書館 6
VOA New app aims to fight poverty
新應用程序將減少貧窮 8
VOA Interactive video helps US soldiers with combat stress
交互式視頻助美大兵克服作戰壓力 10
VOA Online funeral services grow in popularity
網絡葬禮成流行趨勢 12
VOA After Gen X, Gen E
X世代後,E世代 14
VOA Nostrils control wheelchair
用鼻子駕馭輪椅 16
VOA Is technology killing penmanship?
現代科技真讓人們不用寫字了嗎? 18
VOA Video game is latest US diplomacy tool
視頻游戲成美外交工具 20
VOA E-Commerce challenges traditional stores
電子商務威脅著傳統零售業 22
VOA New generation of laptops unveiled
”英特爾超級本」閃亮登場 24
NPR Rumors of a Facebook phone
臉譜做手機的傳言 26
SSS Web sites share gas availability info
互聯網分享汽油供應實況 28
NPR Newsweek to go all digital
《新聞周刊》全面數字化 30
SSS Twitter reveals language geographic distribution
推特披露語言地域差異 32
SSS Flu web searches predict disease outbreaks
網絡搜索預測流感爆發 34
CNN More elderly people in Japan』s video game arcades
日本老人沉醉電玩 36
VOA Sina Weibo』s new policies
新浪微博的新規則 38
BBC Internet privacy
網絡隱私安全 40

SSS Smart phones as keys
手機也是鑰匙 44
SSS Perfect overview of NASA on street view
”谷歌街景」上的肯尼迪航天中心 46
VOA GPS being applied to farming
GPS在農田里也有大作為 48
SSS E-books threaten p-books
電子書威脅紙質書 50
SSS Listen to audio via your cheekbones
用顴骨聽聲音 52
NPR Film cameras are back
膠片相機掀起復古潮 54
ABC The chip that makes you lose weight
”瘦身芯片」助你減贅肉 56
VOA iPhone becomes low cost microscope
iPhone變身低成本顯微鏡 58
NPR Kodak licenses its name to digital camera maker
柯達出讓商標使用權 60
SSS Smart phones for politics
智能手機參與選舉 62
SSS Smart phones forecast weather
智能手機預測天氣 64
SSS Sensor info reveals Titan Probe landing
傳感器數據再現「惠更斯號」著陸前的瞬間 66
NPR Digital technologies give dying languages new life
數字技術挽救瀕危語言 68
VOA CES makes you eye opened
消費電子產品展讓你眼界大開 70
SSS Mimicking ear makes mobile calls clear
有了一只新耳朵,手機通話更清楚 72
VOA BlackBerry unveils two new smart phones
黑莓推出兩款新智能手機 74
VOA The almighty3D-printing technology
萬能的3D打印技術 76
VOA Future smart devices will extend our senses
未來智能機將擁有「感官系統」 78
VOA3D goes from movies to real world
3D技術從虛擬走向現實 80

SSS Antique medication
古董藥丸 84
SSS Mussels and community
蚌類與生態群落 86
ABC Dark matter shapes the Milky Way
暗物質構成銀河系 88
BBC Battle of the bedbugs
人類與臭蟲之戰 90
Indiana Public Media Depression may have an evolutionary benefit
抑郁或對進化有好處 92
SSS Gum chewing may improve concentration
嚼口香糖可以幫助集中注意力 94
SSS Killer kitties wreak critter havoc
小貓也是殺手 96
Indiana Public Media Greenlanders learn how to count
格陵蘭島人用腳趾計數 98
Indiana Public Media Trading DNA happens in nature
大自然中的DNA交換 100
Indiana Public Media The nightlife of plants
植物的夜生活 102
Indiana Public Media How far away is the horizon?
地平線有多遠? 104
Indiana Public Media Why do changes in air pressure cause ear pains?
為何氣壓變化導致耳朵痛? 106
VOA Brain researchers uncover secrets of memory
揭秘記憶 108
VOA Bilingual seniors have mental edge
雙語老人頭腦靈活 110
Indiana Public Media Leaves inspire better solar panels
樹葉與太陽能板 112
VOA Ancient Martian conditions suitable for life
古代火星可能是宜居星球 114
Indiana Public Media Indiana Public Media Americans』 heads are getting bigger
美國人的頭越來越大 116
SSS Drones accelerate archaeological site mapping
無人機加快考古進程 118
SSS Songs of savanna sparrows need to be update
草原麻雀的歌聲需要與時俱進 120
SSS Whales』 sensitive hearing
鯨的敏感聽覺 122
VOA Eels preferred by Asian diners
亞洲食客喜愛的鰻魚 124
SSS Google Maps North Korea
谷歌地圖揭秘朝鮮 126
SSS Mars flight habitat volunteers lost sleep and fitness
火星飛行試驗志願者漸感不適和失眠 128
VOA Bonobos share with strangers first
倭黑猩猩更青睞陌生人 130
SSS Bird seed poisons wild birds
鳥食毒害野生鳥類 132
SSS Bird nest ciggy butts lower parasite load
鳥巢里的煙蒂能抑制 蟲 134
SSS Fun veggie names ups kid intake
有趣的蔬菜命名可以提高孩子們的食欲 136
SSS Coexistence of tigers and humans
老虎與人類共存 138
SSS Can eyes reveal if someone is lying?
眼楮可以測謊嗎? 140
VOA Self-driving cars: science fiction future is near
無人駕駛汽車正從科幻作品中開出來 142
Indiana Public Media Is there a link between fast food and depression?
快餐和抑郁之間有聯系嗎? 144
Indiana Public Media Lightning helps fertilize the soil
閃電有助於肥沃土壤 146
Indiana Public Media How did animals survive the ice age?
冰河世紀的動物如何生存? 148
SSS Electric nanoforest
納米發電林 150
SSS The smallest frog
最小的青蛙 152
SSS Endangered sharks
瀕危的鯊魚 154
SSS Put your left face forward
探出你的左臉 156
SSS When did humans first use fire?
人類何時使用火? 158
VOA Looking better helps cancer patients feel better
變美有助癌症患者提高自信 162
VOA High-tech images show how viruses infect cells
高科技圖像展示病毒感染細胞 164
VOA Teach math with rap
用說唱教數學 166
ABC Spot the psychopath near you
找出你身邊的精神病態患者 168
ABC Our eyes are bigger than our stomach
眼大胃小 170
ABC Weight-loss surgery not clear cut
切胃能否減肥 172
VOA Text messages help children flu vaccination
短信幫兒童進行流感疫苗接種 174
人類免疫缺陷病毒的預防行動 176
SSS Exercise lengthens life regardless of weight
無論胖瘦健身都能助你長壽 178
SSS Food diary helps cut pounds
記飲食日記幫助減肥 180
SSS Studying languages can grow the brain
語言學習促進大腦發育 182
SSS Pre-wedding doubt predicts marital separation?
婚前疑慮有可能導致離婚嗎? 184
SSS British frozen dinners beat TV chefs』 recipes for nutrition
英國速凍餐擊敗電視廚師營養食譜 186
ABC Glass design tricks drinker』s eyes
杯子的設計欺騙了我們的眼楮 188
SSS You have to listen to what a three-year-old tells you
三歲小孩不可小覷 190
VOA To provide makeshift school for Mumbai dropouts
為孟買輟學兒童提供臨時學校 192
SSS Dissatisfied, parents in Indianapolis start their own school
對美教育失望,家長自辦學校 194
VOA Folic acid supplements shown to reduce risk of autism
葉酸片劑能預防兒童孤獨症 196
VOA Attention to the words and letters better readers
關注文字有助閱讀 198
VOA Artful way to inspire students
老師尋妙方激勵學生 200
VOA People smoking in the morning inhale deeper
早起第一根煙吸入更多尼古丁 202
VOA Use of electronic records
電子病歷 204
ABC Wrinkly skin theory doesn』t hold water
皺皮膚理論不成立 206
Indiana Public Media Why humans(not chimps)get cancer?
為什麽人類比黑猩猩更易患癌症? 208
SSS Certain airports are disease-spread hot spots
機場是疾病傳播的高發地 210
Indiana Public Media Bacteria loves your mouth
細菌鍾愛你的嘴 212
Indiana Public Media For a stress free life, get a dog!
想緩解壓力嗎,養狗吧! 214
SSS What』s the best way to help kids lose weight?
孩子減肥的最佳方法 216
VOA Postpartum depression affects babies
產後抑郁影響嬰兒健康 218
Indiana Public Media The mathematics of middle-age spread
中年發福傷不起 220
VOA Global ecosystems at risk
全球生態系統岌岌可危 224
VOA Human pipeline
人肉管道 226
SSS Thunder snow
雷打雪 228
VOA More extreme weather
更多的極端天氣 230
VOA Rich nations to pay for climate change
發達國家應為氣候變化埋單 232
VOA Ecosystems more stressed than ever
生態系統承受重壓 234
VOA Warmer oceans mean smaller fish
海水升溫影響魚類生長 236
VOA Cooperation resolves global water scarcities
合作或解決全球缺水問題 238
VOA Saving African elephants: global debate
拯救非洲象成為全球爭議 240
VOA Worries over increased production of autos
汽車產量增加引發環保人士擔憂 242
VOA US Navy presses forward with biofuels
美國海軍推進生物燃料的使用 244
VOA Gloomy climate news
全球氣候不容樂觀 246
VOA Ice age melt offers future climate clues
冰川融化為未來氣候變化提供線索 248
SSS Meteor shocks Russian city
流星體震動俄羅斯 250
SSS Sea otters fight global warming
海獺應對全球變暖 252
VOA Teens help revive nature
七個女孩讓自然環境重煥生機 254
SSS Raising money for rising temperatures
為不斷上升的氣溫籌款 256
SSS Tree deaths linked to climate change
樹木死亡與氣候變化有關 258
SSS Traditional stoves detrimental to health, environment
傳統鍋爐損害健康和環境 260
SSS Illinois river』s flood brought troubles to farmers
伊利諾伊河的洪水給農民帶來麻煩 262
SSS Skynet helps save the planet
「天網」幫助拯救地球 264
SSS Locust swarms forming in West Africa
蝗群進逼西非 266
SSS Wind turbines take steep toll on birds and bats
風力渦輪機威脅蝙蝠和鳥類 268
SSS Praying for rain
美國農夫祈求降雨 270
VOA Climate, brain infection linked in Uganda
烏干達:顱內感染與氣候有關 272
SSS Ecotourism can be animals』 pet peeve
生態游讓動物不勝煩憂 274
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