
Such an original species of writing as that in which Andersen excelled does not burst full-blown upon the world。It is the result of many experiments,many accidents,even,perhaps,of some blunderings。Andersen did not set out deliberately to be a teller of fairy stories,much less did he expect or desire to be mainly known as the composer of these srnaating,as he called them,of these trifles or bagatelles。He set out in life intending to be a serious poet,a writer of five-act dramas,a novelist of passion and society。


The Wild Swans
What the Old Man Does Is Always Right
The Old House
The Storm Shifts the Signboards
The Shepherdess and the Chimney-sweep
Daddy Dustman(Ole Luktiie)
Little Claus and Big Claus
The Shirt Collar
The Little Mermaid
It’s Quite True!
The Little Match Girl
Twelve by the Mail
The Garden of Paradise
The Wind Tells About Valdemar Daa and His Daughters
The Gallant Tin Soldier
The Story of a Mother
The Emperor’s New Clothes
The Snow Man
“Everything in Its Proper Place”
The Happy Family
The Shadow
The Princess on the Pea
The Nightingale
The Jumpers
The Travelling Companion
The Money-pig
The Galoshes of Fortune
Aunty Toothache
The Tinder Box
Little Ida’s Flowers
Elder-Tree Mother
The Brownie at the Butterman’s
The Snow Queen
The Swineherd
The Sweethearts
The Pine-tree
“The Will-o’-the-wisps Are in Town,”Said the Woman from the Marsh
The Ugly Duckling
The Flying Trtmk
The Storks
Silly Hans
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