
NT $ 512




Ⅰ Thermodynamics
1 Equilibrium and State Quantities
Systems, phases and state quantities
Equilibrium and temperature-the zeroth law of thermodynamics
Kinetic theory of the ideal gas
Pressure, work and chemical potential
Heat and heat cqpacity
The equation of state for a real gas
Specific heat
Changes of state-reversible and irreversible processes
Exact and inexact differentials, line integrals
2 The Laws of Thermodynamics
The first law
Carnot’’s process and entropy
Entropy and the second law
Insertion: Microscopic interpretation of entropy and of the second law
Global and local equilibrium
Thermodynamic engines
Euler’’s equation and the Gibbs-Duhem relation
3 Phase Transitions and Chemical Reactions
Gibbs’’ Phase Rule
Phase equilibrium and the Maxwell construction
The law of mass action
Application of the thermodynamics
4 Thermodynamic Potenticals
The principle of maximum entropy
Entropy and energy as thermodynamic potentials
The Legendre transformation
The free enthalpy
The Enthalpy
The grand potential
The transformation of all variables
The maxwell relations
Jacobi transformations
Thermodynamic stability
Ⅱ Statistical Mechanics
5 Number of Microstates Ω and Entropy S
6 Ensemble Theory and Microcanonical Ensemble
7 THe Canonical Ensemble
8 Applications of Boltzmann Statistics
9 The Macrocanonical Ensemble
Ⅲ Quantum Statistics
10 Density Operators
11 The Symmetry Character of Many-Particle Wavefunctions
12 Grand Canonical Description of Ideal Quantum Systems
13 The Ideal Bose Gas
14 Ideal Fermi Gas
15 Applications of Relativistic Bose and Fermi Gases
Ⅳ Real Gases and Phase Transtions
16 Real Gases
17 Classification of Phase Transitions
18 The Models of lsing and Heisenberg
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