Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Purposes of the study
1.2 Significance of the study
1.2.1 Socio-cultural significance/2
1.2.2 Linguistic significance/4
1.2.3 Pedagogical significance/5
1.3 Research questions
1.4 Methodology and data collection
1.4.1 Methodology/7
1.4.2 Data collection/8
1.4.3 Procedures/12
1.5 Organization of the study
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Definition of fairy-tale text
2.3 Perspectives of the fairy-tale research
2.3.1 A folkloristic perspective.
2.3.2 An anthropological perspective
2.3.3 A psychological perspective,
2.3.4 A narrative perspective
2.4 Summary of the relevant studies
2.4.1 Significance of socio-cognitive perspective
2.4.2 Significance of linguistic perspective
2.4.3 Significance of pedagogical perspective
Chapter Ⅲ Theoretical Foundations
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Genre and genre analysis
3.2.1 Malinowski: Language as symbolic action.
3.2.2 Austin: Speech act theory
3.2.3 Bakhtin: Speech genre
3.2.4 Marth: Functional analysis of genre
3.2.5 Swales: Genre conceptions in The ESP School
3.2.6 Miller: Genre theories in The New Rhetoric School
3.2.7 Feez: Genre learning and teaching
3.3 Summary of genre theories
3.4 Constructing a generic framework for fairy tales
3.4.1 Necessity of constructing a framework
3.4.2 Possibility of constructing a framework
3.4.3 A suggested framework: Genre analysis of fairy tales
Chapter Ⅳ A Socio-cultural Analysis of Fairv-tale Text
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Language and cuIture
4.3 Fairy tales and culture
4.3.1 Fan﹀y tales are embedded cultural context
4.3.2 Fa tales embody cultural vahes/80
4.4 Socio-cultural significance of fairy tales
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 Statistics of cukural topics in fairy tales
4.4.3 Analysis of cukural topics
4.5 Conclusion of socio-cultural significance..
Chapter Ⅴ A Cognitive Analysis of Fairy-tale Text
5.1 IntrodUctlon
5.2 Magic︰A cognitive element in fairy tales
5.3 Magic and its cognitive functions
5.3.1 Introduction
5.3.2 Statistics of magical representations in fairy tabs
5.3.3 Analysis ofmagic
5.3.4 CognRwe mechanism of magic
5.4 Conclusion of cognitive significance
Chapter Ⅵ A Typological Analysis of Fairy-tale Text
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Generic structures
6.3 Statistics of generic structures of fairy tales
6.3.1 Linear generic structure
6.3.2 Comparative generic structure
6.3.3 Mixed generic structure
6.3.4 Generic structures in German faky tales
6.3.5 Generic structures in Danish fairy tales,
6.3.6 Generic structures in British fairy tales
6.3.7 Generic structures in Chinese fairy tales
6.3.8 Generic structures in Japanese fairy tales
6.4 Conclusion of generic structures
Chapter Ⅶ A Linguistic Analysis of Fairy-tale Text
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Linguistic features
7.3 Discourse connectives
7.3.1 Introduction
7.3.2 Statistics of discourse connectives in fah-y tales
7.3.3 Analysis of discourse connectives
7.4 Attitude markers
7.4.1 Introduction
7.4.2 Statistics of attitude markers in fairy tales
Chapter Ⅷ A TEFL A nalysis of Fairy-tale Text
Chapter Ⅸ Conclusions
1.1 Purposes of the study
1.2 Significance of the study
1.2.1 Socio-cultural significance/2
1.2.2 Linguistic significance/4
1.2.3 Pedagogical significance/5
1.3 Research questions
1.4 Methodology and data collection
1.4.1 Methodology/7
1.4.2 Data collection/8
1.4.3 Procedures/12
1.5 Organization of the study
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Definition of fairy-tale text
2.3 Perspectives of the fairy-tale research
2.3.1 A folkloristic perspective.
2.3.2 An anthropological perspective
2.3.3 A psychological perspective,
2.3.4 A narrative perspective
2.4 Summary of the relevant studies
2.4.1 Significance of socio-cognitive perspective
2.4.2 Significance of linguistic perspective
2.4.3 Significance of pedagogical perspective
Chapter Ⅲ Theoretical Foundations
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Genre and genre analysis
3.2.1 Malinowski: Language as symbolic action.
3.2.2 Austin: Speech act theory
3.2.3 Bakhtin: Speech genre
3.2.4 Marth: Functional analysis of genre
3.2.5 Swales: Genre conceptions in The ESP School
3.2.6 Miller: Genre theories in The New Rhetoric School
3.2.7 Feez: Genre learning and teaching
3.3 Summary of genre theories
3.4 Constructing a generic framework for fairy tales
3.4.1 Necessity of constructing a framework
3.4.2 Possibility of constructing a framework
3.4.3 A suggested framework: Genre analysis of fairy tales
Chapter Ⅳ A Socio-cultural Analysis of Fairv-tale Text
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Language and cuIture
4.3 Fairy tales and culture
4.3.1 Fan﹀y tales are embedded cultural context
4.3.2 Fa tales embody cultural vahes/80
4.4 Socio-cultural significance of fairy tales
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 Statistics of cukural topics in fairy tales
4.4.3 Analysis of cukural topics
4.5 Conclusion of socio-cultural significance..
Chapter Ⅴ A Cognitive Analysis of Fairy-tale Text
5.1 IntrodUctlon
5.2 Magic︰A cognitive element in fairy tales
5.3 Magic and its cognitive functions
5.3.1 Introduction
5.3.2 Statistics of magical representations in fairy tabs
5.3.3 Analysis ofmagic
5.3.4 CognRwe mechanism of magic
5.4 Conclusion of cognitive significance
Chapter Ⅵ A Typological Analysis of Fairy-tale Text
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Generic structures
6.3 Statistics of generic structures of fairy tales
6.3.1 Linear generic structure
6.3.2 Comparative generic structure
6.3.3 Mixed generic structure
6.3.4 Generic structures in German faky tales
6.3.5 Generic structures in Danish fairy tales,
6.3.6 Generic structures in British fairy tales
6.3.7 Generic structures in Chinese fairy tales
6.3.8 Generic structures in Japanese fairy tales
6.4 Conclusion of generic structures
Chapter Ⅶ A Linguistic Analysis of Fairy-tale Text
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Linguistic features
7.3 Discourse connectives
7.3.1 Introduction
7.3.2 Statistics of discourse connectives in fah-y tales
7.3.3 Analysis of discourse connectives
7.4 Attitude markers
7.4.1 Introduction
7.4.2 Statistics of attitude markers in fairy tales
Chapter Ⅷ A TEFL A nalysis of Fairy-tale Text
Chapter Ⅸ Conclusions