Bible tO Descend from Net/《聖經》自網上來
The Clues in Beethoven﹀S Hair/貝多芬的頭發
Old Renaissance Fair Rakes in 21st—Century Cash/舊貌換新錢
Accu rate Stars/精確的星星
Cockney Bible/倫敦版《聖經》
Book Lovers Bid for 15 Paragraphs of Fame/拍賣不朽
Pipes Show Cocaine Smoked in Shakespea re’S England/古已有之
Tale Of Two Sites/雙址記
Lennon’S Sex Pictures Were﹀Bad Ar﹀/畫虎不成反類犬
Mighty Aph rodite Idea Panned as Kitsch/愛神巨像成話柄
Be Stupid,Look Young/愈傻愈青春
Open-Ai r Urinals to Help Rescue Landmark/便池拯救美術館
Artist Pays Tax Debts with Sketches/藝術與稅收
Hugo Family Slams‘Les Miserables’Sequel/《悲慘世界》的”悲慘”續集
Fungal Foe/敵菌凶猛
Sperm︰The New Digital Art/精子︰新數碼藝術
Did Tainted Heat Kill Mozart?/豬肉害死莫扎特?
Stamp Issued 4,545 Yea rs Too Late/古代郵票
Louvre Laziness Enough to Put Scowl on Mona Lisa/管理不善的盧浮宮
Smithsonian to Enshrine Enron Hemorabilia/收藏丑聞
Can Magic Revive a Dead Language?/以魔法拯救語言?
Gender of Instruments/樂器的性別
Louvre To Be“World﹀S Biggest Virtual Museum”/世界最大的虛擬博物館
“World’S Worst Poet”Wins Immortality/最蹩腳的詩人
Readers Reveal Stuff of Dreams/書中有夢
The Power of HarryPotter/《哈利‧波特》的力量
Even in Death,Elvis Is Still the King/死亦為鬼雄
Political Correctness Rings Hunchback Death Knell/政治正確,”駝背”無理
Husician Serenades Judge,Wins Court Fight/法庭凱歌
Playing with Their Food…/拿食物來玩
Spell—Check Can Hake Writing Worse/拼寫軟件幫倒忙?
Soccer Player Traded for Sh rimp/球員的價值
Hat Trick of Own Goals/烏龍球“帽子戲法”
ArtIs Such a Tortu re/“前衛”酷刑
Arts Education Hay Improve Children’S Academic Performance/藝術教育的功用
Fake van Gogh a Hit/假貨搶手
Comedian Disa rms Good—Humored Gangsters/一語退群盜
Studying Proust Has Negative Financial Outcome/文藝令人窮
Software Program Designed to Spot Musical Hits/軟件星探