Unit 1 Animals(動物)
1. The Kiwi(幾維鳥)
2. The Camel(駱駝)
3. The Polar Bear(北極熊)
4. The Hippopotamus(河馬)
5. The Dolphin(海豚)
Word Study
Unit 2 How?Why?(如何?為什麼?)
Context Cluse
1. Why Are Elevators Important?(為什麼電梯重要?)
2. Why IS the Sea Salty(為什麼海水是咸的)
3. How Can a Plant Kill(為什麼有的植物為殺人)
4. How Can We Have Farms in the Sea(如何在海中建農場)
5. How Do Hearing-Impaired People Talk(聽力受損的人如何說話)
Word Study
Unit 3 Plants(植物)
Context cLUSE
1. The Data(棗椰樹)
2. The Water Hyacinth(洋水仙,又稱風信子)
3. Rjce(水稻)
4. Orange(橙子)
5. Guayule(北美一種產橡膠的樹)
Word Study
Unit 4 Popular Music(流行音樂)
Context Clues
1. Classical Music(古典音樂)
2. Blues and Jazz(布魯斯和爵士樂)
3. Rock and Roll(搖滾樂)
4. Country Western mUSIC(美國鄉村音樂)
5. Latin Music(拉丁音樂)
Word Study
Unit 5 Occupations(職業)
Context Clues
1. An Environmental Engineer(環境工程師)
2. A Human Resources Manager(人事經理)
3. A Computer Information Specialist(計算機信息專家)
4. A Firefighter(消防員)
5. A Chimney Sweep(煙囪清掃工)
Word Study
Unit 6 Interesting People of the World(世界上有趣的民族)
Context Clues
1. The Sami of Northern Europe(北歐的薩米人)
2. The Ainu of Japan(日本的阿依努人)
3. The Yanomami of the Amazon(亞馬遜的來諾馬米人)
4. The Hopi of the Arizona(來利桑那州的霍皮印地安人)
5. The Maori of the New Zealand(新西蘭毛利人)
Word Study
Unit 7 Ezploration and Acventure(探索與探險)
Context Clues
1. The Polynesians(玻利尼西亞)
2. A Giraffe in Central Asia(是亞的長頸鹿)
3. Thte First on Munt eVEREST(登上珠穆朗瑪峰的第一位女人)
4. The European Raja of Sarawak(沙撈越的歐洲拉賈(君主))
5. The Iditarod
Word Study
Unit 8 Inventions and Inventors(發明與發明家)
Context Clues
1. The Zipper(拉鏈)
2. The Postage Stamp(郵票)
3. Pencial and Pens(鉛筆和鋼筆)
4. Umbrellas(雨傘)
5. The Metric System(十進制)
Word Study
Unit 9 Unusual Sports(不同尋常的運動)
Context Clues
1. Thai Boxing(跆拳道)
2. Curling(冰上溜石游戲)
3. Lacroosse(兜網球,一種類似曲棍球的游戲)
4. Sumo(相朴)
5. Tarahumara Foot Races(塔拉烏馬那人的競走比賽)
Word Study
Answer to Exercises(練習參考答案)