1. 神秘浪漫的上古神話
2. 妙趣橫生的先秦寓言
3. 精彩絕倫的秦漢散文
4. 光怪陸離的迷信異事
5. 虛幻怪誕的志怪臆想
1. 博富龐雜的志怪小說
2. 簡約傳神的志人小說
3. 「文言雙璧」的藝術成就
4. 六朝小說對后世的影響
1. 唐代小說概述
2. 步入成熟的文言短篇小說
3. 唐傳奇的風格和藝術特色
4. 唐人小說的分類
1. 絕妙傳神的「說話」藝術
2. 俚俗淺白的話本文學
3. 文言小說的難得補綴
1. 明代小說的發展概況
2. 《三國演義》和《水滸傳》
3. 白話短篇小說的輝煌篇章
4. 文言短篇小說的星火不熄
1. 清代小說掠影
2. 千古奇書《紅樓夢》
3. 文言小說的登峰造極
4. 另辟蹊徑的白話短篇小說
Ⅰ. Fiction’’s Development from Remote Antiquityto the Qin and Han Dynasties
1. Romantic Myths of Remote Antiquity
2. Interesting Fables of the Pre-Qin Dynasty
3. Splendid Prose of the Qin and Han Dynasties
4. Bizarre Superstitious Legends
5. Weird and Uncanny Zhiguai Fabrications
Ⅱ. Fictions Prosperous in the Wei,Jin and Southern & Northern Dynasties
1. Rich and Varied Zhiguai Fictions
2. Concise and Vivid Zhiren Fictions
3. Artistic Achievement of the「Two Precious Jades of Wenyan」
4. Impact of Fictions in the Six Dynasties upon Later Ages
Ⅲ. Fictions Amazing in the Tang Dynasty
1. Brief Account of the Tang Fictions
2. Mature Wenyan Short Stones
3. Styles and Artistic Features of the Tang Romance
4. Classification of the Tang Fictions
IV. Fictions Flourishing in the Song and Yuan Dynasties
1. Fantastic and Vivid Shuohua
2. Rusticand Popular Huaben Literature
3. A Valuable Complement to the Wenyan Fictions
Ⅴ. Fiction Genres of the Ming Dynasty
1. Brief Account of the Ming Fictions
2. Romance ofthe Thtee Kingdoms and WaterMargin
3. A Brilliant Chapter of the Vernacular Short Stories
4. Sparkle of the Wenyan Short Stories
VI. Fictions Blossoming in the Qing Dynasty
1. Brief Account of the Qing Fictions
2. Unique Masterpiece—Dream of Red Mansion
3 Peak of the Wenyan Fictions
4. Vernacular Short Stories with New Writing Techniques