

本書以五千多個英語基本詞匯為中心,對同義詞、近義詞、形近詞、音近詞進行了辨析。每組詞附有例句和詳略得體的解釋。在許多例句後指出中心詞的確切含義,並說明不能用某個近似的詞。詞典編排合理,一目了然,簡明適用。書末附有索引,檢索詞條很方便。 本書主要目的:幫助學生辨別 1、由於母語干擾經常容易混淆的詞。2、英語自身存在的易混淆的詞。3、人們熟知的那些經常容易出錯的詞語和結構。4、英語自身存在的易混淆的語法結構。5、母語語法結構對英語語法結構的干擾。


適合中等以下程度 Up to Intermediate Level
1 Social exchanges 社交應酬對話
2 Cars and driving 汽車及駕駛
3 Adjectives:opposites 形容詞;反義詞
4 Adjectives and noun modifiers 形容詞和名詞修飾語
5 Asking,requesting,commanding 請求,要求,命令
6 Telephoning 打電話
7 Appearance,etc.,of people and things 人和物的外貌等
8 Descriptions,etc.描寫等
9 Containers 容器
10 Countable and uncountable nouns 可數名詞和不可數名詞
11 Time and frequency時間和頻率
12 Health 健康
13 Holidays 假日
14 「Be」,「get」,「go」,「make」,etc.動詞Be,get,go,make等
15 Work and jobs 工作和職位
16 Buildings and parts of buildings建築物及其組成部分
17 Verbs/verb phrases with and without prepositions帶介詞和不帶介詞的動詞/動詞短語
18 Occupations,etc.職業等
19 Words easily confused,misspelt,etc.容易混淆,拼錯等的詞
適合中等以下程度 Up to Intermediate Level
1 Social exchanges 社交應酬對話
2 Cars and driving 汽車及駕駛
3 Adjectives:opposites 形容詞;反義詞
4 Adjectives and noun modifiers 形容詞和名詞修飾語
5 Asking,requesting,commanding 請求,要求,命令
6 Telephoning 打電話
7 Appearance,etc.,of people and things 人和物的外貌等
8 Descriptions,etc.描寫等
9 Containers 容器
10 Countable and uncountable nouns 可數名詞和不可數名詞
11 Time and frequency時間和頻率
12 Health 健康
13 Holidays 假日
14 「Be」,「get」,「go」,「make」,etc.動詞Be,get,go,make等
15 Work and jobs 工作和職位
16 Buildings and parts of buildings建築物及其組成部分
17 Verbs/verb phrases with and without prepositions
18 Occupations,etc.職業等
19 Words easily confused,misspelt,etc.容易混淆,拼錯等的詞
20 Prepositional phrases介詞短語
21 Only one negative僅一個否定
22 -ed/-ing過去分詞或現在分詞
23 Addressing people稱呼人
24 Names of places地名
25 Doing things for people為別人做事
26 Movement to and from動作的去由
27 The human body人體
28 Furniture家具
29 Money金錢
30 Adverbs副詞
31 Comparatives and superlatives比較級和最高級
32 Four topics:話題四則
1 The weather 天氣
2 The news 新聞
3 Luck and misfortune 運氣和不幸
4 Keeping clean 保持清潔
33 Questions and exclamations疑問句和感嘆句
34 Quantities and amounts數量和數額
35 Travelling by train乘火車旅行
36 Outside外邊
38 Dressing and clothes穿著和衣服
39 Food and drink食物和飲料
40 Countable and uncountable nouns可數名詞和不可數名詞
41 Education教育
適合中上至高等程度Upper Intermediate to Advanced Level
適合中上至高等程度 Upper Intermediate to Advanced Level
42 Greetings,conventional social utterances and exchanges
43 Comparing and contrasting 比較和對照
44 Socializing,entertainment,etc.社交,娛樂等
45 What goes with what?搭配
46 Phrasal verbs 短語動詞
47 Adjective+preposition形容詞+介詞
48 Verbn+「to」or verb+「-ing」?
49 Approval and disapproval 贊成與不贊成
50 Red tape 繁文縟節
51 Character and reputation 品質和名聲
52 Everybody,Somebody,Anybody,Nobody
53 Regular and irregular verbs which are easily confused
54 Animals,birds and plants 動物、鳥類和植物
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