About the Authors
1 Fundamental Notions
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Fundamental Concepts
1.3 Vectors and Tensors
1.4 Force Distributions
1.5 A Note on Force and Mass
1.6 Closure
1.7 A Look Back
2 Stress
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Stress
2.3 Stress Notation
2.4 Complementary Property of Shear
2.5 A Comment on the Complementary Property of Shear
2.6 Equations of Equilibrium in Differential Form
2.7 Closure
2.8 A Look Ahead:Hydrostatics Highlights(2)
3 Strain
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Displacement Field
3.3 Strain Components
3.4 Strains in Terms of the Displacement Field
3.5 Compatibility Considerations
3.6 Closure
3.7 A Look Ahead;Fluid Mechanics I Highlights(3)
4 Introduction to Mechanical Properties of Solids
5 One-Dimensional Problems
6 Generalized Hooke’’s Law and Introduction to Energy Methods
7 Plane Stress
8 Plane Strain
9 Failure Criteria
10 Section Forces in Beams
11 Stresses in Beams
12 Deflection of Beams
13 Singularity Functions
14 Torsion
15 Three-Dimensional Stress Properties at a Point
16 Three-Dimensional Strain Relations at a Point
17 Introduction to Elastic Stability
19 Introduction to Finite Elements