Meet the characters 角色介紹
How are you feeling? 你感覺如何?
Talking about feelings談談你的感覺
Happy 開心
Never better! 非常開心呢!
Having fun with friends! 跟朋友一起玩!
When you are excited… 興奮的時候
Proud 驕傲
Feeling loved 感受到愛
Shy 害羞
When you are shy… 害羞的時候
Lonely 孤單
Sad 傷心
Why do you feel sad? 你為甚麼傷心?
The sky is crying too. 天空也哭了!
Cheer up! 振作一點!
Angry 生氣
When you are angry… 生氣的時候
Keep calm and carry on 保持冷靜,繼續努力
Fight 吵架
Fussy kid 愛鬧情緒的孩子
Disappointed 失望
Scared 害怕
Jealous 妒忌
Worried 擔心
Nervous 緊張
Shocked 嚇一跳
Bored 無聊
Let’s play game! 齊來玩遊戲!