1.參考最新工廠校正及各項調查相關資料,修正 107、108 年資料,修正結果並提本總處國民所得統計評審會通過。
The data of 2018 and 2019 have been revised according to Factory Operation CensusReport,e.t.c. The revisions have been reviewed and verified by the National Income Statistics
2.行業別依中華民國行業標準分類第 10 次修訂版歸類,資料並溯至民國 70 年。
Estimates by kinds of activities have been revised, according to the tenth edition of 「Standard Industrial Classification of the Republic of China」, and traced back to1981.
3.歷年連鎖實質國民所得統計係採 105 年為參考年,以連鎖法計算。
The chain-linked data of national accounts have been expressed with reference year 2016.
Area covered:Nationwide area.