․ 想知道花花怎麼會轉為純素主義者嗎?
․ 花花帶您純素遊香港、台灣、日本、馬來西亞、泰國、澳洲及紐西蘭。
․ 花花教您做各式純素、無蛋、無奶、無麩質、無糖及生機的私房甜品。
․ 花花致力於推廣純素理念,親身踐行友善地球、友善動物的行動。
․ 內容豐富,本書提供了純素生活方方面面的資訊,為讀者了解純素生活提供了便利的途徑。
․ 餐廳推介與純素食譜是本書的重點,此書是純素飲食愛好者的不二選擇。
․ 中英文結合,圖文並茂,內容也跨越了地域的限制,能夠引起各種語言讀者的興趣。
封面人物傳記/Biographies from Friends Who Appear on the Cover of this Book
第1章 我的純素生活方式/Chapter 1 My Vegan Lifestyle
01 關於純素「Vegan」的定義/About the Definition of Vegan
02 邁向我的純素生活/Moving To My Vegan Life
03 分享我一天的純素食/Sharing My Daily Vegan Meals
04 多做運動有益身心/Exercise for Physical and Mental Health
05 吃一些經過加工的素肉製品如何影響我的身體?/How Does Eating Some Processed Mock Meat Products Affect My Body?
06 如果你問我,是不是所有素肉都不能吃?/Should All Mock Meat Be Avoided?
07 純素飲食如何吃到均衡有營養?/How to Have a Nutritional and Balanced Vegan Die?
08 純素寶寶/Vegan Baby
09 推廣純素主義/Promoting Veganism
第2章 純素餐廳/Chapter 2 Vegan Restaurants
01 純素食者(Vegan)在外用餐及選購食物需知/Things to Know as a Vegan—When Eating Out or Buying Food Outside
02 推廣純素餐廳小錦囊/Tips for Promoting Your Vegan Restaurant
03 我已經寫給小朋友——去幫助他們考慮第一次做生意/I Have Written for Young Children– to Help Them to Think About Businesses for the First Time
04 香港純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in Hong Kong
05 台灣純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in Taiwan
06 泰國純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in Thailand
07 日本純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in Japan
08 馬來西亞純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in Malaysia
09 澳洲純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in Australia
10 紐西蘭純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in New Zealand
11 花花的素遊口袋名單/Jennifer's Vegan Travel List
第3章 純素食譜/Chapter 3 Vegan Recipes
01 純素食材牌子/Vegan Ingredient Brands
02 如何將一般菜式轉為純素菜式呢?/Turning "Regular" Dishes into Vegan Ones?
03 如何製作純素中菜/Instructions for Making Vegan Chinese Cuisine
04 材料篇/Cooking Ingredients
05 製作純素甜品的材料替代品/Alternative Ingredients for Making Vegan Desserts
06 食譜篇/Cooking Recipes
第4章 純素消費資訊懶人包/Chapter 4 Information Kit for Vegan Consumers
01 女性用品/Feminine Products
02 日常護膚品牌/Daily Skincare Brands
03 化妝品牌/Cosmetics Brands
04 純素服裝品牌/Vegan Clothing Brands
05 純素服務/Vegan Services
06 純素旅行團/Vegan Tours
07 純素婚禮及活動/Vegan Weddings and Events
08 健康好書推薦/Health Book Recommendations
09 純素雜誌 /Vegan Magazines
第5章 純素理念:友善地球/Chapter 5 Vegan Vision: Earth-friendly
01 純素產品/Vegan Products
02 純素環保資訊/Information on Environmental Preservation and Vegan
03 純素環保行動/Vegan and Eco-friendly Actions
關於花花最喜愛的/About Jennifer's Favourites
致以下各行業/To the Following Industries
我的話/From Me
純素生活筆記/Your Vegan Life Notes
封面人物傳記/Biographies from Friends Who Appear on the Cover of this Book
第1章 我的純素生活方式/Chapter 1 My Vegan Lifestyle
01 關於純素「Vegan」的定義/About the Definition of Vegan
02 邁向我的純素生活/Moving To My Vegan Life
03 分享我一天的純素食/Sharing My Daily Vegan Meals
04 多做運動有益身心/Exercise for Physical and Mental Health
05 吃一些經過加工的素肉製品如何影響我的身體?/How Does Eating Some Processed Mock Meat Products Affect My Body?
06 如果你問我,是不是所有素肉都不能吃?/Should All Mock Meat Be Avoided?
07 純素飲食如何吃到均衡有營養?/How to Have a Nutritional and Balanced Vegan Die?
08 純素寶寶/Vegan Baby
09 推廣純素主義/Promoting Veganism
第2章 純素餐廳/Chapter 2 Vegan Restaurants
01 純素食者(Vegan)在外用餐及選購食物需知/Things to Know as a Vegan—When Eating Out or Buying Food Outside
02 推廣純素餐廳小錦囊/Tips for Promoting Your Vegan Restaurant
03 我已經寫給小朋友——去幫助他們考慮第一次做生意/I Have Written for Young Children– to Help Them to Think About Businesses for the First Time
04 香港純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in Hong Kong
05 台灣純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in Taiwan
06 泰國純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in Thailand
07 日本純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in Japan
08 馬來西亞純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in Malaysia
09 澳洲純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in Australia
10 紐西蘭純素餐廳推介/Recommended Vegan Restaurants in New Zealand
11 花花的素遊口袋名單/Jennifer's Vegan Travel List
第3章 純素食譜/Chapter 3 Vegan Recipes
01 純素食材牌子/Vegan Ingredient Brands
02 如何將一般菜式轉為純素菜式呢?/Turning "Regular" Dishes into Vegan Ones?
03 如何製作純素中菜/Instructions for Making Vegan Chinese Cuisine
04 材料篇/Cooking Ingredients
05 製作純素甜品的材料替代品/Alternative Ingredients for Making Vegan Desserts
06 食譜篇/Cooking Recipes
第4章 純素消費資訊懶人包/Chapter 4 Information Kit for Vegan Consumers
01 女性用品/Feminine Products
02 日常護膚品牌/Daily Skincare Brands
03 化妝品牌/Cosmetics Brands
04 純素服裝品牌/Vegan Clothing Brands
05 純素服務/Vegan Services
06 純素旅行團/Vegan Tours
07 純素婚禮及活動/Vegan Weddings and Events
08 健康好書推薦/Health Book Recommendations
09 純素雜誌 /Vegan Magazines
第5章 純素理念:友善地球/Chapter 5 Vegan Vision: Earth-friendly
01 純素產品/Vegan Products
02 純素環保資訊/Information on Environmental Preservation and Vegan
03 純素環保行動/Vegan and Eco-friendly Actions
關於花花最喜愛的/About Jennifer's Favourites
致以下各行業/To the Following Industries
我的話/From Me
純素生活筆記/Your Vegan Life Notes
推薦序 1
Foreword 1
Since we became friends a few years ago, Jennifer has become my ultimate vegan food buddy in HongKong. I've never met anyone so passionate about vegan food, and interested in trying new restaurants, as her.
Whenever we meet each other, we spend most of our time talking about vegan food, taking photos, and trying new restaurants. We also enjoy travelling together to new destinations, for example Thailand, where we can experience many different vegan restaurants. When she told me she was putting together a cookbook, I was beyond excited.
Jennifer is one of those people who puts love, care, and passion into everything she creates. I learned how to make Molten Lava Cakes and Hong Kong Style Egg Tarts in her baking studio, explored the vegan scene in Chiang Mai with her. Here in Hong Kong, I invited her to the school where I teach, to share some of her custom-made desserts with my secondary school students; they absolutely loved them!
If you're looking for recipes that feature quality ingredients, are super healthy, and are completely cruelty-free, you've come to the right place. I hope you enjoy not only the delicious food you will create, but also all the effort that was made into putting this collection together.
It's people like Jennifer who are making amazing strides in building a vegan world.
推薦序 2
Foreword 2
I am So Sum and have been on an almost vegan diet for about 20 years. Since I have a sweet tooth, I have always wished to be able to make and taste vegan sweets. Cakes are my favourite food.
Twenty years ago, the vegan population in Asian countries was very small. So, finding vegan cakes and desserts was difficult! I was so lucky to meet Jennifer, who immediately became my idol! Since then, it has become a must to request Jennifer to make me vegan cakes for every birthday and party. Her Dark Chocolate Agave Nectar Cake is my favourite. Since we have a diabetic family member, and my mother loves bitter chocolate, I am very grateful that Jennifer is willing to design a vegan cake recipe that is also suitable for people with diabetes.
What I admire most about Jennifer, is her enthusiasm in promoting vegan desserts and veganism itself. I always see her sharing vegan food from around the world on Facebook, as she travels to different places. She writes comments on the food photos, which not only broaden my horizons, but also give me lots of new knowledge about new vegan places and new vegan dishes. It is truly my blessing to have met her on my path of veganism.
推薦序 3
Foreword 3
Once upon a time, out of nowhere, Jennifer sent me a message on Facebook, asking me whether she could make me some vegan cakes to try. It's not usual to receive such a kind gesture from a complete stranger online. This alone showed me her enthusiasm about making customised vegan cakes, and sharing her joys of such deliciousness, even with those she didn't know. My family and I soon became fans of her work. The fact that we were able to savour healthy dairyfree cakes, personalise them with the flavours we wanted, and to even have them sugar-free, was perfect for my diabetic grandmother, and for our other health-conscious family members.
After meeting Jennifer a few times, we became good friends. We would sometimes dine out together, seeking new vegan options around town. I'm personally lazy to explore new food places. I would rather stick to restaurants close by where I live, rather than do what Jennifer does, which is really to go around every part of Hong Kong, sharing information about each and every vegan restaurant out there. She really is the definition of a passionate vegan dessert chef. I wish her all the best in whatever comes her way, and I am super-excited to see this knowledgeable vegan-based book she is finally publishing.
推薦序 4
Foreword 4
I am looking forward to Jennifer's book, and I am very happy for her. Her focus on veganism comes deep from her heart. She is someone so innocent and unpretentious —it is not easy to promote veganism in a place such as Hong Kong.
I like her persistence, and her spirit of continuous learning. She even goes looking for delicious vegan foods in other parts of the world. This book is filled with useful information. It will significantly help people who are starting to have vegan food. They will be able to enter the vivid world of veganism, without having to word hard, as Jennifer has walked those miles for us.
推薦序 5
世界和平由每一個人自己做起。最簡單和每個人都有能力做的,就是選擇怎樣吃。純素(蔬食,plant based)就是一種和平的飲食方式。和平飲食的同時兼顧全食(whole food)和盡量生食(raw),就是真正健康的關鍵。
Foreword 5
I admire Jennifer very much. As a youngster, she is genuine, passionate, enthusiastic, curious, and progressive in her promotion of veganism.
World Peace starts from every individual, and the simplest thing which everyone can do, is help through their choices of how and what to eat. Veganism (or a plant-based diet) is an example of a peaceful diet. At the same time, it includes wholefoods, and raw foods as much as possible. That is the real key to health.
Within an array of gourmet desserts, there are always a number of devils: eggs, dairy, white sugar, and additives. Fortunately, we have Jennifer, who pays much effort in designing and creating vegan, sugar-free, gluten-free, and raw dessert recipes. This allows us to indulge in a peaceful diet at social events, without losing the tastiness, and with healthy elements.
In addition to your dietary choices, your individual health, environmentalism, and ecological living, are all important aspects of life. Thank you, Jennifer, for sharing vegan life tips in your book, and for providing us with a shortcut to veganism. Thank you also,
for contributing to World Peace, and to ecological balance. And even more, thank you to everyone who has chosen to live as a vegan.
Kayla Hill
Foreword 1
Since we became friends a few years ago, Jennifer has become my ultimate vegan food buddy in HongKong. I've never met anyone so passionate about vegan food, and interested in trying new restaurants, as her.
Whenever we meet each other, we spend most of our time talking about vegan food, taking photos, and trying new restaurants. We also enjoy travelling together to new destinations, for example Thailand, where we can experience many different vegan restaurants. When she told me she was putting together a cookbook, I was beyond excited.
Jennifer is one of those people who puts love, care, and passion into everything she creates. I learned how to make Molten Lava Cakes and Hong Kong Style Egg Tarts in her baking studio, explored the vegan scene in Chiang Mai with her. Here in Hong Kong, I invited her to the school where I teach, to share some of her custom-made desserts with my secondary school students; they absolutely loved them!
If you're looking for recipes that feature quality ingredients, are super healthy, and are completely cruelty-free, you've come to the right place. I hope you enjoy not only the delicious food you will create, but also all the effort that was made into putting this collection together.
It's people like Jennifer who are making amazing strides in building a vegan world.
Kayla Hill
Friend and Frequent Taste-tester
Friend and Frequent Taste-tester
推薦序 2
Foreword 2
I am So Sum and have been on an almost vegan diet for about 20 years. Since I have a sweet tooth, I have always wished to be able to make and taste vegan sweets. Cakes are my favourite food.
Twenty years ago, the vegan population in Asian countries was very small. So, finding vegan cakes and desserts was difficult! I was so lucky to meet Jennifer, who immediately became my idol! Since then, it has become a must to request Jennifer to make me vegan cakes for every birthday and party. Her Dark Chocolate Agave Nectar Cake is my favourite. Since we have a diabetic family member, and my mother loves bitter chocolate, I am very grateful that Jennifer is willing to design a vegan cake recipe that is also suitable for people with diabetes.
What I admire most about Jennifer, is her enthusiasm in promoting vegan desserts and veganism itself. I always see her sharing vegan food from around the world on Facebook, as she travels to different places. She writes comments on the food photos, which not only broaden my horizons, but also give me lots of new knowledge about new vegan places and new vegan dishes. It is truly my blessing to have met her on my path of veganism.
So Sum
So Sum Vegan Skincare
So Sum Vegan Skincare
推薦序 3
Managing Director of ISAWORKSHOP
Managing Director of ISAWORKSHOP
Foreword 3
Once upon a time, out of nowhere, Jennifer sent me a message on Facebook, asking me whether she could make me some vegan cakes to try. It's not usual to receive such a kind gesture from a complete stranger online. This alone showed me her enthusiasm about making customised vegan cakes, and sharing her joys of such deliciousness, even with those she didn't know. My family and I soon became fans of her work. The fact that we were able to savour healthy dairyfree cakes, personalise them with the flavours we wanted, and to even have them sugar-free, was perfect for my diabetic grandmother, and for our other health-conscious family members.
After meeting Jennifer a few times, we became good friends. We would sometimes dine out together, seeking new vegan options around town. I'm personally lazy to explore new food places. I would rather stick to restaurants close by where I live, rather than do what Jennifer does, which is really to go around every part of Hong Kong, sharing information about each and every vegan restaurant out there. She really is the definition of a passionate vegan dessert chef. I wish her all the best in whatever comes her way, and I am super-excited to see this knowledgeable vegan-based book she is finally publishing.
Fiona Tong
Managing Director of ISAWORKSHOP
Friend & a super-fan of Jennifer's customised vegan cakes
Managing Director of ISAWORKSHOP
Friend & a super-fan of Jennifer's customised vegan cakes
推薦序 4
Foreword 4
I am looking forward to Jennifer's book, and I am very happy for her. Her focus on veganism comes deep from her heart. She is someone so innocent and unpretentious —it is not easy to promote veganism in a place such as Hong Kong.
I like her persistence, and her spirit of continuous learning. She even goes looking for delicious vegan foods in other parts of the world. This book is filled with useful information. It will significantly help people who are starting to have vegan food. They will be able to enter the vivid world of veganism, without having to word hard, as Jennifer has walked those miles for us.
Shara Ng
Regional Representative Asia Pacific at International Vegetarian Union
Regional Representative Asia Pacific at International Vegetarian Union
推薦序 5
世界和平由每一個人自己做起。最簡單和每個人都有能力做的,就是選擇怎樣吃。純素(蔬食,plant based)就是一種和平的飲食方式。和平飲食的同時兼顧全食(whole food)和盡量生食(raw),就是真正健康的關鍵。
Foreword 5
I admire Jennifer very much. As a youngster, she is genuine, passionate, enthusiastic, curious, and progressive in her promotion of veganism.
World Peace starts from every individual, and the simplest thing which everyone can do, is help through their choices of how and what to eat. Veganism (or a plant-based diet) is an example of a peaceful diet. At the same time, it includes wholefoods, and raw foods as much as possible. That is the real key to health.
Within an array of gourmet desserts, there are always a number of devils: eggs, dairy, white sugar, and additives. Fortunately, we have Jennifer, who pays much effort in designing and creating vegan, sugar-free, gluten-free, and raw dessert recipes. This allows us to indulge in a peaceful diet at social events, without losing the tastiness, and with healthy elements.
In addition to your dietary choices, your individual health, environmentalism, and ecological living, are all important aspects of life. Thank you, Jennifer, for sharing vegan life tips in your book, and for providing us with a shortcut to veganism. Thank you also,
for contributing to World Peace, and to ecological balance. And even more, thank you to everyone who has chosen to live as a vegan.
Dr. Irene Lo
Hong Kong Practicing Specialist Surgeon
Author of 我醫我素:健康素食小百科
Consultant Asian Pacific Vegan Association DipIBLM
Hong Kong Practicing Specialist Surgeon
Author of 我醫我素:健康素食小百科
Consultant Asian Pacific Vegan Association DipIBLM