*收錄超過1,600 條成語、俗語、諺語、俚語、俏皮話和歇後語。
This dictionary is a Cantonese-Mandarin-English dictionary. Entries are arranged in normal and reverse sequences when appropriate. It is a practical, useful reference title for everyday use,
helping to enhance the biliterate and trilingual capabilities of its users.
*Include 2,925 headwords. Putonghua equivalents, phrases and expressions are inserted beside the headwords when appropriate.
*Include 15,000 English equivalents, phrases and expressions.
*The pronunciation of all the Cantonese characters in this dictionary is based on Cantonese Pronunciation Dictionary.
*Include over 1,600 entries of idioms, common sayings, proverbs, slangs, wisecracks, as well as end-clippers.
Chan Sin-wai is Dean and Professor of the School of Humanities and Languages of Caritas Institute of Higher Education. He was Professor in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was also Director of the Master of Arts in Computer-aided Translation Programme and Director of the Centre for Translation Technology. His research interests include computer-aided translation, bilingual lexicography, and Chinese-English translation. He edited An Encyclopaedia of Translation, revised Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture (bilingual edition) and Longman Concise Chinese-English Dictionary and authored A Dictionary of Translation Technology. His books in Chinese-English translation include An Exposition of Benevolence, Palaces of the Forbidden City, Letters of Prominent Figures in Modern China, Paintings and Calligraphy of Jao Tsung-I, Stories by Gao Yang, and An Illustrated History of Printing in Ancient China. He has also translated My Son Yo Yo from English into Chinese. He has, to date, published sixty-one books, in eighty volumes.
Chan Sin-wai is Dean and Professor of the School of Humanities and Languages of Caritas Institute of Higher Education. He was Professor in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was also Director of the Master of Arts in Computer-aided Translation Programme and Director of the Centre for Translation Technology. His research interests include computer-aided translation, bilingual lexicography, and Chinese-English translation. He edited An Encyclopaedia of Translation, revised Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture (bilingual edition) and Longman Concise Chinese-English Dictionary and authored A Dictionary of Translation Technology. His books in Chinese-English translation include An Exposition of Benevolence, Palaces of the Forbidden City, Letters of Prominent Figures in Modern China, Paintings and Calligraphy of Jao Tsung-I, Stories by Gao Yang, and An Illustrated History of Printing in Ancient China. He has also translated My Son Yo Yo from English into Chinese. He has, to date, published sixty-one books, in eighty volumes.