1. Numbers (數字)
2. Units of Measurement (測量單位)
3. Time (○點○分)
4. Dates (○月○日)
5. Days, Weeks and Years (星期與其他時間)
6. Time Periods (期間)
Part 2 招呼語
7. Greetings/Saying Goodbye (招呼語)
8. Introduction (介紹)
9. Request and Help (請求幫助)
10. Weather and Seasons (天氣與季節)
Part 3 機場、機內
11. Inside the Airport 1 (機場內 1)
12. Inside the Airport 2 (機場內 2)
13. Airports and Airlines (機場/航空公司)
14. Immigration Procedures (入境)
15. During the Flight (機艙內)
Part 4 交通
16. Traffic (交通)
17. Train Station 1 (車站1)
18. Train Station 2 (車站2)
19. Buying Tickets (買車票)
20. Taking the Train 1 (搭乘火車或捷運1)
21. Taking the Train 2 (搭乘火車或捷運2)
22. Taking the Bus / Taking a Taxi (搭乘公車/計程車)
23. Renting a Car 1 (租車 1)
24. Renting a Car 2 (租車 2)
25. Driving a Car (開車)
26. Filling Up the Tank (加油)
Part 5 飯店
27. In a Hotel 1 (飯店1)
28. In a Hotel 2 (飯店2)
29. Problems and Complaints (飯店內的糾紛)
30. Service and Facilities (飯店內使用的單字)
31. Hotel Services (飯店內的服務)
Part 6 購物
32. Shopping (商店)
33. Shopping for Clothes and Shoes (購買衣物基本會話)
34. Shopping Mall (購物中心)
35. Fitting 1 (試穿1)
36. Fitting 2 (試穿2)
37. Looking for Product Information (尋找商品)
38. Shopping for Cosmetics (化妝品)
39. Convenience Store (便利商店)
40. Electrical Appliance (電器用品)
41. Payment (付帳)
Part 7 飲食
42. Eating and Drinking 1 (用餐基本會話1)
43. Eating and Drinking 2 (用餐基本會話2)
44. Tableware (餐具)
45. Food Flavors (味道)
46. Fast Food (速食)
47. Japanese Bar (居酒屋)
48. Drinks (飲料)
49. Asian Food 1 (亞洲食物1)
50. Asian Food 2 (亞洲食物2)
51. Hot Pot (火鍋)
52. Chinese Common Dishes (其他常見料理)
53. Soups and Appetizers (湯品與配菜)
54. Sushi (壽司)
55. Western Style Food (西餐)
56. Coffee / Tea (咖啡/茶)
57. Desserts (甜點)
58. Fruits (水果)
59. Seasoning (調味料)
60. Special Request on Food (特別要求)
61. Dining (飲食)
Part 8 觀光
62. Asking for Directions 1 (問路1)
63. Asking for Directions 2 (問路2)
64. Holidays and Festivals(節慶假日)
65. Christmas(聖誕節)
66. Baseball (看棒球)
67. Amusement Park (遊樂園)
68. Zoo (動物園)
69. Aquarium (水族館)
70. Religious Buildings (教堂與寺廟)
71. Hot Spring (溫泉)
72. Galleries / Museums (美術館/博物館)
73. Outdoor Activities (戶外活動)
Part 9 日常生活
74. Making Phone Calls 1 (打電話1)
75. Making Phone Calls 2 (打電話2)
76. Mail System (郵局業務)
77. Bank (銀行)
78. Currency Exchange 1 (兌換外幣 1)
79. Currency Exchange 2 (兌換外幣 2)
80. ATM
81. Laundry (洗衣店)
82. Hair Salon (美容院)
83. Fixing Items (修理物品)
84. Lost and Found (遺失物品)
Part 10 事故、糾紛
85. Traffic Accident (交通事故)
86. Car Problems (汽車故障)
87. Having Trouble 1 (遇上麻煩1)
88. Having Trouble 2 (遇上麻煩2)
Part 11 生病就醫
89. Illness (常發生疾病症狀)
90. Body Parts (身體部位名稱)
91. Injury & First-Aid (受傷與急救)
92. Body Parts and Organs (手、內臟及其他身體部位)
93. Skin Disease / Common Disease (皮膚/其他疾病)
94. Medical Care (疾病/受傷時的說法)
95. Medication (藥物)
96. Other Diseases (其他疾病)
97. Medicine (醫療相關字詞)
Part 12 人際社交
98. Self-Introduction (自我介紹)
99. Occupation (職業)
100. Hobby (興趣)
101. Sports (運動)
102. Daily Conversation (社交談話)
103. Blood Types / Astrological Signs (血型/星座)
104. Chinese Star Sign (十二生肖)
105. Personality (性格)
106. House Types (住屋)
107. Music (歌唱與音樂)
108. Opposite Words (反義詞)