歷史與神話交織 飛度公主的愛與死 亂世裡輕如鴻毛的兒女情長 暗藏雷霆萬鈞的歷史動力 重磅編劇施如芳vs. 深情導演劉守曜 繼穿越時空三千年的《巾幗‧ 華麗緣》後再度搭檔 為豫劇青年臺柱量身打造歷史大戲 臺灣豫劇團當家旦角蕭揚玲/ 當家小生劉建華 領銜主演 豫劇天后王海玲/ 第一小生朱海珊 同臺力挺
歷史長河裡,每個人都活在變遷中,誰能作得了自己?宇文無雙與長孫晟,在和親突厥的路上邂逅,大漠暗夜,一場迷途,將如何牽動朝代興亡、部族分合的政治現實? 草原民族傳說中的神獸—飛馬,是公主與名將走投無路時的轉機?抑或預言了兩人的命運?
編劇施如芳從長孫晟護送公主和親的史實為起點,採倒敘回溯,並結合飛馬神話,編寫兩位主人公的命運糾葛。背景設定大漠草原,在政治爭鬥與權力謀篡的夾縫內,劇中人物下意識尋找生命中的綠洲,將短促即逝的美好永藏心中。 公主的婚姻往往取決於政治考量,宇文無雙與長孫晟的相遇注定成為一個美麗的錯誤。在家國利益與私人情感的衝突中,二人如何面對愛情的期待與渴望?
Wings of Horses Against the backdrop of history and myths, the love story of a princess is told, whose spirit became immortal after her flesh succumbed to the mortal fate, and whose love
story propelled dramatic changes at a troubled time. Following up on their three-thousand-year historical epic, “Women are Renamed”, playwright Ju-fang Shih and director Shou-yuo Liu unite
thought and sentiment in a new legend tailor-made for today’s generation of young Bangzi stars. Yang-ling Hsiao and Chian-hua Liu star as dan and sheng, female and male leads. They will share
the stage with Hai-ling Wang, the Queen of Bangzi, and the eminent performer of young male roles, Hai-Shan Chu. Caught in the tides of historical changes, none can escape the vicissitudes of
fortune. Who dares say they are master of their fate? Princess Yu Wen, Wu-shuang is to be married to a prince of the Turkic Empire. On her journey to the foreign land, she meets her royal
bodyguard Zhang Sun, Sheng. What effect will their nighttime encounter in the remote desert have on the rise and fall of dynasties, the friendship and enmity of tribes? Legends of the grassy
plain speak of a mythical beast: the winged horse. When the darkest hour comes for the princess and her general, does this creature signify hope, or is it an omen of their impending fate?