一直以來,他善用日常的物件,探討物件外在型態與內在能量轉換與存續的可能性,例如「鋼鐵蒼穹」 (2012)被改裝成沙發的汽車車頭、「家族」系列(2013)被當作繪畫顏料的機油、「同心圓」系列(2013-15)被轉化為組合玩具的菜刀。儘管如此,「情定終身」探索的主題仍承接了吳建興創作的核心概念,也就是對於「家」所建構的人際網絡與價值體系的省察。尤其這次展出加入了「家庭記憶」
In the solo exhibition The Endless Ties of Love, Chien-Hsing Wu (1987-) takes a momentous event of his own life – his marriage – as a starting point to construe the possibilities of
“exhibiting” marital relations and nuptial rituals, and to explore mutually dependent relationships between two individuals. He not only inlays marriage photos, red carpets, wedding banquets
and wedding ceremonies onto the exhibition; he even asks visitors to enter the exhibition side by side as couples –wrapping bracelets around two people’s wrists before they enter the exhibition
space. Such a method of expression is not what we are accustomed to in Wu’s previous works. Chien-Hsing Wu has always been adept at using everyday objects, and at exploring the possibilities of
interchanging the outer forms of objects with their inner energies, and thus perpetuating them. For example, in Iron Sky (2012), the front of a car is transformed into a sofa. In Family Series
(2013), motor oil serves as a pigment in a painting. In Concentric Circles Series (2013-15), cooking knives are turned into a set of toys. Be this as it may, the themes investigated in The
Endless Ties of Love inherit the core concepts of Wu’s earlier works – that is, a rumination on the interpersonal networks and value systems formed by families. In particular, the static space
of the old work Family Memories (2012) has been converted into two new works for this exhibition: Guests at a Banquet and Family Event. The thought-provoking, restlessly shifting mutual
resonance of emotions in these two works make apparent Chien-Hsing Wu’s attempt to clarify the threads in his own creations. Through artistic means, Chien-Hsing Wu has adopted an important
issue in his own life as the theme of his exhibition. Taking up residence in the spaces of an art museum, he has attempted to broaden the meaning of the exhibition and enrich its dimensions.
For an art museum – an institution facilitating exhibitions – it holds particularly novel significance. The Endless Ties of Love not only bears witness to a key moment in Chien-Hsing Wu’s
personal life, but also demonstrates the deepening and expansion of his artistic development. We may anticipate that this solo exhibition will prove a milestone in his artistic career.