PM Writing has been specifically developed as a holistic reading and writing program. The PM Writing Teachers' Resource Books have been designed to explicitly teach writing skills and
knowledge across a range of student abilities.
The specific learning tasks included in the program make it appropriate for use in whole-class, small-group and individual teaching and learning environments.
The PM Writing Emergent Teachers' Resource Book contains:
‧comprehensive lesson plans based on the Exemplars for Teaching Writing, Levelled Exemplar Texts and Student Resource CD
‧important teaching points for emergent and early writers
‧a focus on listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting
‧writing assessment guidelines and samples
‧analysis of emergent writing samples
‧scope and sequence of learning outcomes across the key developmental stages
‧links to other books in the PM Collection to reinforce essential skills for writing.
STUDENTS: Colour Level: Magenta
PRODUCT: Discipline: Literacy | Series: PM | Set: PM Writing | Subject: Literacy and Writing | Teaching Approach: Guided/Independent