英語口說能力訓練書:口說測驗連續30秒不中斷,別讓可怕的沉默害你無法拿高分! (附口說能力高分訓練MP3)

英語口說能力訓練書:口說測驗連續30秒不中斷,別讓可怕的沉默害你無法拿高分! (附口說能力高分訓練MP3)
NT $ 230 ~ 399

















  英國University of Surrey專業翻譯學位碩士,曾擔任聯合通訊外電專業記者與商業顧問等職。長期推動各種英語教育計畫,特別針對「英語口說」此部分投入數年的研究與努力,設計各種適合亞洲英語學習者的口說學習方案。在韓國已出版的作品有《英語朗讀訓練有解答》、《英語口說訓練實踐日記》、《英語朗讀訓練Show & Tell系列》、《Longman Essay Writing》等書。







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Warm-Up 暖身階段
One Sentence Response

★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 01
People are trying too hard to look like TV celebrities.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 02
A lot of people need coffee to wake up in the morning, so they get used to it.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 03
People follow fashion because they want to fit in.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 04
I’d take the subway all over the city and see the famous sites.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 05
I’d prefer to live in an apartment because it’s more convenient.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 06
The father’s and mother’s roles are both important, and a family needs both of them.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 07
Men are better cooks because they take more risks.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 08
Women are more into style and fashion than men.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 09
Unemployment is a really big problem in my country.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 10
I think globalization will reduce the poverty gap.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 11
Overpopulation is Earth’s biggest challenge.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 12
I’m most worried about having lots of terrible weather events.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 13
GM food makes me nervous, but I’m not sure why.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 14
I like environmental groups, but they should obey the law.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 15
An aging population causes high medical costs and more stress on families.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 16
I’d travel to as many places in the world as I could.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 17
It’s always better to pursue happiness.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 18
Credit cards are easier and way more convenient than cash.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 19
I think I’m pretty good at dealing with money.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 20
I would much rather have friends who are reliable.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 21
The most valuable thing to offer is that I’m a good listener.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 22
My character is most like a bear.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 23
I think you need a special talent to be an artist.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 24
Home schooling has more choices but it’s harder to learn social skills.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 25
I like really practical ways of learning where I can use my senses.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 26
I don’t think my test scores reflect any truth about my abilities.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 27
Teachers aren’t changing the way teach science to keep up-to-date.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 28
I think schools should allow mobile phones but with some rules.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 29
Social networking helps connect people, but it can also waste a lot of time.
★「一句話簡答」練習主題 File 30
Teenagers are becoming adults, so they’re learning to do things their own way.


Run-Up 起跑階段
30-Second Speech
Topic Conversation
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 01
Why are people so worried about the way their body looks?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 02
Why do you think so many people are addicted to coffee?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 03
Do you have your own fashion style or follow the crowd?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 04
What would you do if you could spend one day in New York?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 05
Would you prefer to live in an apartment building, or a private house?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 06
Whose role is more important, the father’s or the mother’s?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 07
Why is the divorce rate increasing so rapidly?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 08
If you had the choice, would you have a son or a daughter?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 09
Who makes a better cook, a man or a woman?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 10
Why do women like shopping more than men?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 11
Is unemployment a problem in your country?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 12
What are you most worried about with climate change?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 13
What do you think of environmental groups like Greenpeace?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 14
What are the problems with having an aging population?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 15
What single thing could you do to increase the quality of our life?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 16
If you had one million dollars, what would you do with it?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 17
Is it better to pursue wealth or happiness?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 18
Would you prefer to run your own business or work for a large company with many employees?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 19
In what ways are credit cards better than cash?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 20
Are you good at saving and sticking to budgets?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 21
Do you prefer friends who are intelligent, or friends who are reliable?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 22
What personality types are you attracted to?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 23
Do you think anyone can be an artist or do you need a special talent?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 24
What are the advantages or disadvantages of home schooling?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 25
What kinds or methods of learning do you like best?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 26
Why is science becoming less and less popular in schools?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 27
Do you think e-books will make paper books disappear?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 28
Do you think schools should ban mobile phones?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 29
What are the pros and cons of social networking, such as Facebook and Twitter?
★「30秒會話」練習主題 File 30
Why is it that teenagers want to rebel so much?


Speaking Test

★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 01
Why do people follow fashion?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 02
Do you prefer traveling alone or with friends?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 03
What can be done to close the gap between urban and rural areas?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 04
What’s the best piece of advice your father has given you?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 05
Do you think globalization will reduce or increase the poverty gap?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 06
What will happen when the oil runs out?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 07
What is the biggest challenge facing Earth?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 08
100 years from now, what do you think will be the world’s greatest problem?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 09
What are your views on genetically-modified(GM) food?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 10
Do you think it’s necessary to experiment on animals to test cosmetics and drugs?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 11
If you learned you only have six months to live, how would you spend your time?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 12
What questions would you like to ask Bill Gates or Steve Jobs about software?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 13
What is the most valuable thing you have to offer as a friend?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 14
What animal best represents your character?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 15
If you were to write a poem right now, what would your subject be?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 16
What do you think of the idea of lifelong education?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 17
Do you think your test scores reflect your true ability and intelligence?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 18
If you had the power, what changes would you carry out within education?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 19
What do Nobel Prize winners have in common?
★「30秒口說測驗」練習主題 File 20
What aspects of today’s youth make you hopeful about the future?

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