THE DOLL 怖娃娃(中英對照)

THE DOLL 怖娃娃(中英對照)
NT $ 253 ~ 288
  • 作者:陳立恩
  • 出版社:白象文化
  • 出版日期:2015-10-01
  • 語言:繁體中文
  • ISBN10:9863582352
  • ISBN13:9789863582359
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 268頁 / 16k菊 / 14.8 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


If you discover that your beloved doll was alive, you will…

  ◎The reason that makes the plot good was not just because of the chilling plot, it also has a very thoughtful ending, which is very moving.

  ◎It make the human evil more specific, creating a powerful demon-Datan. When evil grew from one’s heart, the person will be manipulated, if cannot reflect him/herself, the person will step into a doomed state for all eternity.

  ◎The book tells us good and evil were just a few steps apart. It also explains the root of chaotic society, that people lose humanity from their good soul one part at a time.




  This is the third novel written by the teenage writer, he has a wide variety of writing material, but has a completely different style. And for sharing it with more readers, he even translated it into Chinese, for his elementary school teacher, who has taught him Chinese.

  A thirteen year old boy with a mature thought that suppressed his age. Through observing, he knows the chaos and mess within society, all because of humans. When they think things initially with bad intentions, they cannot stay alert, or cannot control or reflect themselves, causing chaos. The author wants to mix this thought with the suspenseful plot, to make people know the truth of the world, and took every step cautiously.

  The boy (author) uses his delicate thoughts and simple ways of viewing the world, with a storytelling technique, to create Kelly, a normal innocent girl, and just because she was king on dolls, she was manipulated by evil, making her stepping closer and closer to the demon, which took away her normal, happy life.



陳立恩(Andy Chen)


  五歲便自發性的提筆創作,五年間完成《Lan and Leo》、《CJ7》、《Chaplin script version》等十餘本自創英文故事書,以及《The Universe series》、《Animal Worlds》、《Apocalypse 2012》等十餘本英文小百科,均為手寫本,圖文並茂、饒富童趣。

  2015年1月出版《Mankind vs Extraterrestrial》,是一部恣意馳騁童稚想像力的英文科幻小說。同年6月出版《Stan Duke》,乃以幽默詼諧的筆調,描寫一位青年饒舌歌手為理想奮鬥的故事。

  勇於追求自我突破並嘗試多元題材,於2015年8月又完成《The Doll》,隨著年齡增長,逐漸懂得在作品裡表現個人的價值觀及對生命的感受。因此,《The Doll》雖是一部恐怖小說,但可貴的是,少年作者能寄寓深刻的人生哲理於驚悚、緊張的情節中。

  從事英文創作的同時,中文能力也力求自我提升,除了將《The Doll》翻譯成《怖娃娃》之外,更著手創作中文長篇小說《馬拉松》,希冀能藉由用心創作的過程,促使中文更加精進。

  Andy Chen, a Taiwanese boy, is a junior high school student.

  He started to write when he was five, it took him five years to complete 《Lan and Leo》、《CJ7》、《Chaplin script version》and many other tens of storybooks, and 《The Universe series》、《Animal Worlds》、《Apocalypse 2012》and other tens of little encyclopedias, all of them are handwritten, both with excellent illustrations and writing, filled with childhood joy.

  He published his first book《Mankind vs Extraterrestrial》in 2015/1, a sci-fi novel written through childhood imagination recklessly.

  He published 《Stan Duke》in 2015/6, a humorously written book about a teenage rapper chasing his dreams.

  Recklessly pushing through limits, he tried many writing styles, and has completed 《The Doll》 in 2015/8. As Andy grew older, he began to mix his own point of view, and his thoughts of life into 《The Doll》. 《The Doll》was a horror novella, but what’s praiseworthy to the book was that the author mixes philosophy into the thrilling, suspenseful plot. (Kinda)

  When writing in English, he tried to adapt his Chinese. Besides translating his 《The Doll》into the Chinese version 《怖娃娃》, he decided to write a Chinese novel called 《馬拉松》, hopefully through his writing, he could improve his own Chinese.




As the dolls were shipped into a small toy shop, the owner was checking if they were suitable for selling.

She was checking a green dwarf. As she checked…


The dwarf’s teeth turned razor-sharp. Its eyes turned into dark sockets. A venomous voice hissed from it. Blood and mucus appeared suddenly.

“Let me kill.”

A stream of blood splattered into the wall followed by a chilling hiss.

“Look, mom! There’s a toy store!” A six-year old girl, name’s Kelly James the sixth headed out with his father and mother on the streets. Kelly always has a great passion for toys, and if she saw one, no DOUBT she would head toward it. She is chubby and had a round and fat-face, her hair was tied in a small bun. She was wearing a short, purple skirt and a white T-shirt.

“Okay, sweetheart.” Her mother, Cindy said. She had a job-of being a computer programmer, but her business was highly unsuccessful. She was slender and fair-skinned, with her sheet of golden hair bobbing around her head. “So what do you want to get?”

“I dunno.” Kelly said.

His father, Jack, rubbed his head in suspicion. He was working as a Chinese language teacher in FIREFOX high school, and his Chinese was very proper. He was very tall and handsome with short black hair and noticeable muscles. “I’m not interrupting Kelly, but she really is growing up.”

“Oh really?” Cindy asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You know what? She’s turning seven. She’s going to be in primary school anytime soon. ”

“Of course, but there’s nothing wrong with the toy store.” Cindy said.

“Nothing wrong?” Jack asked. “I’m not a fan on toys, and Kelly cannot speak even the simplest Chinese.”

“爸爸真小氣.” Kelly muttered. (Daddy is so cheap.)

Jack sighed.

Then, they headed into the toy store. It was huger than any other toy store in the history, but it was clothed with spider webs, and the outer look of it looks like an old house.

Still, they ignored that.
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