Module 1 The product Life Cycle 產品生命週期
Topic 1Research and Development 研究與開發
1.1 Market Research 市場調查
1.2 Product Development 產品開發
1.3 Testing 測試
1.4 Inventions, Patenting and Intellectual Property Rights
Topic 2Production 製造
2.1Types of Production 生產類型
2.2Sourcing 尋找貨源;採購
2.3Quality Control 品質管控
2.4Outsourcing 外包
2.5Working in Production 生產作業
Topic 3Marketing 行銷
3.1The Marketing Mix 行銷組合
3.2Promotion 推廣促銷
3.3Price, Packaging and Place 定價、包裝和賣場通路
3.4Branding 品牌推廣
3.5Marketing Strategies 行銷策略
Topic 4Sales 銷售
4.1What Makes a Good Salesperson? 好的銷售人員需要什麼條件?
4.2Orders and Stock Control 訂單與庫存管控
4.3Distribution 配銷
4.4Sales Methods 銷售方式
4.5Retailing 零售業
Topic 5Customer service 客戶服務
5.1Customer Care 顧客關懷
5.2Customer Feedback 顧客回饋
5.3Customer Relationship Management 客戶關係管理
5.4Customer Review s 顧客評價
5.5Consumer Protection 消費者保護
Module 2 People in Business 公司人事
Topic 6Employees 受雇人員
6.1Human Resource Management 人力資源管理
6.2Recruitment 招募
6.3Leaving a Company 離職
6.4Remuneration 薪酬
6.5Industrial Relations 勞資關係
6.6Equal Opportunities 機會均等
Topic 7Managers 經理人
7.1Management 管理
7.2Management Styles 管理風格
7.3Management Roles 管理職務
7.4Change Management 變革管理
Topic 8Careers, Qualifications and Training 生涯、證照及訓練
8.1Career Paths 職涯規劃
8.2Business Qualifications 業務證照
8.3Professional Development and Performance Appraisal
8.4Learning Organizations, Mentoring and Coaching
8.5Leave 休假
Module 3 The Money Side 資金方面
Topic 9 Business Performance 經營績效
9.1Boom and Bust 景氣循環
9.2Stocks and Shares 股票及股份
9.3Describing Trading Performance 描述交易量
9.4Market Trends 市場趨勢
9.5When Things Go Wrong 景氣反轉時
Topic 10 Increasing Sales 提高銷售量
10.1Making a Profit 獲利
10.2Growth and Expansion 成長與擴展
10.3Pricing 定價
10.4Relocating the Business 企業搬遷
10.5Repositioning the Brand 品牌重新定位
Topic 11 Finance 財務
11.1Payment and Credit 付款與信用
11.2Costs 成本
11.3Accounting 會計
11.4Owing Money 欠錢
11.5Financing Expansion 融資擴張
Module 4 Global Business 全球企業
Topic 12Business and Businesses 經營與企業
12.1Types of Business 企業種類
12.2Running a Business 經營企業
12.3Industries and Sectors 產業與部門
12.4Corporate Structure and Legal Status 公司結構與法律地位
12.5Business Strategy 經營策略
Topic 13IT in the Workplace 辦公室裡的資訊科技
13.1Computer Hardware 電腦硬體
13.2Computer Software 電腦軟體
13.3Management Information Systems 管理資訊系統
13.4Networks and Storage 網路與儲存
13.5Problems with IT 資訊科技問題
Topic 14Global Trading 全球貿易
14.1Free Trade 自由貿易
14.2The Role of Government 政府的角色
14.3Competition 競爭
14.4The Balance of Payments 收支帳
Topic 15 Trends in Business 企業趨勢
15.1Ethical Consumerism 良知消費
15.2Fair Trade 公平交易
15.3Corporate Social Responsibility 企業社會責任
15.4Different Ways of Working 不同的工作方式