PM Writing 3 Purple/Gold 20/21 Apples

PM Writing 3 Purple/Gold 20/21 Apples
NT $ 133
  • 作者:Julie Haydon
  • 出版社:東華
  • 出版日期:2015-04-13
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0170132536
  • ISBN13:9780170132534
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 16頁 / 17 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版



  Levels 20/21 Purple/Gold
  Key learning Area Science
  Theme Growing Apples
  Title The Apple Orchard
  Text Type Recount
  Pages 2–9
  Text Form Recount
  Genre Non-fiction
  Purpose To retell and evaluate events and experiences

  Text Structure
  Orientation: Provides information about who, where and when (Page 2)
  Sequence of Events: Presents events in chronological order (Pages 2–9)
  Personal Comment:  Evaluates the events that took place (Page 9)

  Language Features
  ‧Nouns (e.g. Mum, apple, orchard)
  ‧Pronouns (e.g. I, we)
  ‧Adjectives (e.g. red, shiny, big)
  ‧Past tense verbs (e.g. went, had, took)
  ‧Adverbial phrases (e.g. on the trees, in the bags)

  Title The Apple Juice Test
  Text Type Procedure
  Pages 10–16
  Text Form Instructions
  Genre Non-fiction
  Purpose To provide instructions about how to make or do something

  Text Structure
  Goal: Outlines what is to be achieved (Page 10)
  Materials: Specifies the materials needed to achieve the goal (Page 10)
  Steps: Lists the steps in order of sequence (Pages 11–16)

  Language Features
  ‧Nouns (e.g. carrot, grapes, knife)
  ‧Pronouns (e.g. you)
  ‧Adjectives (e.g. large, clean)
  ‧Present tense verbs (e.g. Put, Wait, Turn)
  ‧Adverbial phrases (e.g. into the glass, under the juicer’s spout)
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