一位正處在創作瓶頸的太魯閣族石雕藝術家-舒浪,巧遇一位上課遲到的地質研究女孩-小敏。小敏沿路訴說著太魯閣所帶給自己的感受與感動,她的熱情分享讓舒浪對自己生長的土地多了另一層的認識,也回想起小時候,父親教導他對待山林、面對大自然應該有的態度。 舒浪帶著對土地的理解,重新踏上太魯閣,原本困住的瓶頸,從大自然的無限創作裡得到新的力量。
Surang, a Taroko tribe stone sculptor who is suffering from a creative block-bumps into Xiao Min, a student of geology, who is late for class. On the way, Xiao Min tells Surang of her
feelings for Taroko and how it moves her, her words allowing Surang to better understand the land where he was born and raised; they also remind him of the attitude towards the mountains,
forest and nature his father taught him when he was young. With this new understanding of the land, Surang revisits Taroko and is able to overcome the creative block with the new creative
energy he gains from the limitless creativity of Mother Nature.