Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 The Story of the Hula

Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 The Story of the Hula
NT $ 152 ~ 233


  Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of reader for learners of English. This series offers fascinating stories and facts from the four corners of our world, and develops the language and skills needed to understand non-fiction writing.


  ‧市面上第一部非小說類(Non-Fiction)的讀本,由國家地理頻道National Geographic Learning & Cengage Learning嚴選一系列內容豐富有趣的影片設計而成。包含五大主題:
  ━Incredible Animals 動物生活,例如:猩猩/紅熊貓/南美洲乳動物
  ━Fascinating Places 名勝古蹟,例如:富士山(日本)/馬丘比丘(祕魯)/紐西蘭冒險之旅
  ━Remarkable People 人文民族,例如:蒙古遊牧民族/日本藝伎生活
  ━Exciting Activities 各式活動,例如:阿拉斯加攀冰/漫遊戈壁沙漠
  ━Amazing Science 科學新知,例如:生物學/氣象學/火山的形成

  ‧100本單獨讀本,依程度分成8個等級;字彙量(Academic Word)由800到3,000 Headwords。適合Pre-intermediate到Advanced程度的讀者。


  ‧可依需求選擇有搭配多媒體光碟的讀本,光碟中包含國家地理頻道Media Center獨家原始影片,以及讀本所有內容的朗讀音檔。

  ━Lesson Planner
  ━Story Summary
  ━Teaching Notes
  ━Copiable Worksheets & Quizzes
  ━Grammar Presentation
  ━Exam Generator

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