Unit 1問候招呼與回答
你好嗎(第一次見面)How do you do?
很高興認識你Nice to meet you.
你好嗎1.How are you doing?
你好嗎2.How’s everything?
你好嗎3.What’s up/new?
下次見Later, gator!
很高興又見面了Nice to see you!
早安Good morning午安good afternoon晚安good evening, good night
最近過的如何?How have you been?
好久不見It’s been a long time!
你最近跑去哪了啊?Where have you been lately?
你最近在幹嘛?What are you up to?
希望下次再見Hope to see you again!
我也是/彼此彼此Same here.
很高興跟你談話Nice talking to you!
好好玩Have fun!
祝你有個美好的一天Have a good/nice day!
祝你有個美好的週末Have a nice weekend!
我過的還不錯I’m doing good.
一般般囉Nothing special.
沒有什麼特別的As usual.
我不想提起(不太好)I don’t want to talk about it.
不好意思 Excuse me
我的榮幸My pleasure!
我想是吧I guess.
喔,原來如此I see.
待會見! See ya!
Unit 2 家人
我想跟你們聊聊 I need to speak with you.
你們根本不了解我!You don’t know me!
這都是為了你好。This is for your own good.
我想我可以自己做這個決定。I think I can manage this.
你真的很幼稚!That’s really immature!
功課做完了嗎?Have you finished your homework?
今天學校還好嗎?How was school?
今天過的如何?How was your day?
真是令人頭痛的一天。What a day!
感覺你今天不太順利?Tough day at the school/office?
你麻煩大了You are in a big trouble!
管好你自己!Get yourself in line!
我以你為榮I’m proud of you.
先說清楚For the record….
你應該修一下頭髮了You need to trim your hair.
不要再講有的沒有的了No more trash talk. (enough trash talk)
幾乎Nearly/ Almost
你在瞞我什麼What are you not telling me?
不要再嘮叨了Stop nagging.
我完全了解I completely understand.
我感覺好多了I am feeling much better now.
你還好嗎?How are you holding up?
我同意 I agree.
她會很開心的 She will be delighted.
停止! Knock it off!
遲早的 Sooner or later.
Unit 3 朋友
真是受不了他!I can’t put up with him/her anymore!
可不是嗎!Tell me about it!
我有一個瘋狂的點子!I’ve got an idea!
門都沒有!No way! Not a chance.
那個帥哥真可愛 He is really cute.
那個女的好正 She(That chick) is hot.
不錯哦 Sweet!/ Nice/ Lovely ( It is really neat!)
我快沒時間了 I’m running out of time!
別傻了!Don’t be silly!
沒問題No problem.
我玩的很開心I really enjoyed myself.
有新鮮事嗎?Anything new?
也太可笑了吧!How droll!
隨時更新消息啊!Keep me posted!
讓我確認一下Let me check.
一定會很好玩的!It will be fun!
相信你的直覺What’s your gut telling you?
放輕鬆點Take it easy.
不要放我鴿子Don’t stand me up!
他/她放我鴿子!S/he stood me up!
可不是嗎I’ll say.
我們講的是同一件事嗎?Are we on the same page?
面對現實吧!Deal with it!
希望如此I wish.
你在開玩笑吧?Are you kidding me?
沒關係Don’t bother.
好奇怪哦That is weird.
你隨時都可以來訪You can drop by anytime.
你死定了!You are going down!
撐著點Hang on.
他抓狂了 He snapped.
算了吧!Drop it!
面對吧!Just face it!
相信我Believe me, I know.
還差的遠呢!Not even close.
講重點Cut to the chase.
還不是很確定It is still up in the air.
我不介意None taken.
我能處理 I can handle it.
試試看啊Try me.
我不記得了Not that I recall.
你在唬嚨我You are bluffing.
不然你想怎樣!Bite me!
只是個私人笑話 It’s just a private joke.
她有時候很愛指使人 She is so bossy sometimes.
Unit 4 情人
我不喜歡你的態度I don’t like the way you behave.
我們需要談談We need to talk.
我道歉My apologies.
接受你的道歉Apology accepted.
原諒你You are forgiven.
你在生我的氣嗎?Are you mad at me?
請給我一個合理的解釋Please explain.
很抱歉,我剛剛太衝動了I am sorry, I was impulsive.
你知道我很愛你You know how much I love you.
很想你Thinking of you.
晚安美夢Sweet dreams.
付帳的一方 I got it.
就順其自然吧 Just go with the flow.
永遠不要說永遠 Never say never.
很難說 You would never know.
你遲疑了嗎?Are you having the second thought?
我為你感到開心I am happy for you.
傷害已經造成了Damage is done.
你答應我的!You gave me your words!
我們要一起解決We need to work this out.
你到底在說什麼?What are you talking about?
我很失控I was not myself.
你是獨一無二的You are one of a kind.
事情不是你想的那樣It is not what you think it is.
只是小事It is not a big deal.
結束了 It is over.
可以再給我一次機會嗎?Can I have a second chance?
我搞砸了I screw it up.
我在聽 I’m all ears.
我反應太大了 I was overreacting.
我幾乎不能呼吸 I can hardly breathe.
她不是我能高攀的上的 She is a little out of my league.
我無法轉移我的目光I can’t take my eyes of him/her.
他為你瘋狂He is mad about you.
完全超出我的期待 It was beyond all expectations.
我必須鼓起勇氣 I must pluck up the courage.
Unit 5 學校
我快要爆炸了 I am dying!
功課也太多了 Too much homework!
這堂課也太早了 This class is way too early.
幫我抄筆記 Can you take notes for me?
我可以跟你借筆記嗎 Can I borrow your notes?
我毫無頭緒 I have no idea./ I don’t have a clue.
我死定了I am done for.
根本不算糟啊It wasn’t half bad at all.
說的好!Good point!
你人真好It is so kind of you.
他只是在拍馬屁S/he is trying to butter you up.
我不認為哦I don’t think so.
這就是我知道的That is all I got.
沒有什麼特別的Nothing important.
沒問題By all means.
懂了嗎?(懂了) Got it? (Got it.)
想都別想Not on your life.
你不是認真的吧 You can’t be serious.
我求求你了I am begging you.
真丟臉Shame on you.
我有點搞混了I am a little confused.
這不關你的事It is none of your business.
這並沒有錯I found nothing wrong.
這不是我的強項It is not my strong suit.
祝你好運 Good luck.
你是告密的人!You are a rat!
我會轉交的 I will pass it on.
我忘的一乾二淨!I totally forgot!
他請病假 S/he is on a sick leave.
你下課多久?How long is your break?
你明天有課嗎?Do you have class tomorrow?
我不翹課的 I never skip class.
老師有點名嗎?Did the teacher call the roll?
我覺得很丟臉 I feel embarrassed.
我欠你一次 I owe you once.
我想是吧 I suppose so.
我拼命唸書 I throw myself into studies.
他只是在戲弄你 He is just teasing you.
我會試著搞清楚的 I will try to figure it out.
Unit 6電話
我需要打通電話I need to make a phone call.
我需要接電話I need to get this.
我可以留言嗎?Can I leave a message?
我幫你轉接Let me put you through.
請稍等Hold on.
我找… May I speak to …. (I’d like to talk to… )
是什麼事?What is the matter?
我需要你的幫忙I need your help.
下次聊Talk soon.
我會轉告他你的來電 I’ll tell her/him you called.
這是xxx的回電 This is xxx returning your call.
我能幫你嗎?How may I help you?
你現在方便說話嗎?Are you free to talk?
我再打給你I will call you back.
謝謝你打來Thanks for the calls.
你可以大聲/慢一點嗎? Could you please speak louder/slower?
我聽不太清楚 I cannot hear you well.
你可以再打一次嗎?Could you call again?
他現在不在 S/he is not in.
我會幫你轉接給… I will transfer your call to….
不接你電話嗎? Not taking your call?
我該怎麼辦?What am I supposed to do?
他忙線中 His line is busy now.
上班時間再來電 Please recall on operation time.
無人接聽 The number you called/dialed is not available now.
電話沒電了 My battery is dead.
我開振動 It is on vibrate mode.
你的鈴聲很好/難聽 Your ring tone rocks/sucks.
可以傳簡訊給我嗎?Could you text me?
收訊很差 The reception is awful.
我們可以視訊啊 We can do video call.
我正在講電話! I am on the phone!
越快越好 As soon as possible.
Unit 7吃飯
我餓了I am starving.
我們去吃點東西 Let’s go grab a bite.
你想去哪吃?What do you propose?
我現在沒有很餓 I don’t feel hungry now.
想吃點什麼 What would you like to eat?
我要和朋友吃飯 I will meet my friends for dinner.
我要和家人吃飯 I will have lunch/dinner with my family.
我和男/女朋友要約會 I have a date.
訂位 I want to make a reservation.
確認訂位 I want to confirm the reservation.
點飲料 We want to order something to drink.
餐前/隨餐/餐後上 Come before/with/after the meal.
點餐 We are ready to order.
可以看一下菜單嗎? Can I have the menu, please?
我吃太飽了 I’m full.
吃不完外帶 I want to take out.
不滿意服務 I did not pay for this.
我要跟你們經理談談I need to talk to your manager.
滿意服務 We enjoyed your services.
結帳Check. /Can I get the bill?
選的好!Good choice
有推薦的嗎?Any recommendation?
今日特餐是什麼? What’s the special today?
請用Here you are.
要熱一點 I want it extra hot.
他食物中毒 He got food poisoning.
我可以續杯嗎?Can I get a refill?
幫我把…拿掉 Can you please take out the ….
我對…過敏 I am allergic to ….
需要糖或奶精嗎? Do you need any sugar or cream?
你的主菜想要吃什麼?What would you like for your main course?
我牛排想要…分熟 I would like it rare/medium/well-done.
你需要多吃一些蔬菜 You should eat more vegetables.
你應該少吃一點速食 You should eat less fast food.
我們應該吃健康一點 We should eat healthier.
你要給小費 You need to tip.
你們有素食嗎?Do you have vegetarian dishes?
我不怎麼愛喝咖啡 I’m not keen on coffee.
Unit 8 娛樂
最近有什麼好看的電影 Do you know any good movies recently?
你想跟我去看電影嗎 Can I take you to a movie?
怎麼買票? How do you want to get the tickets?
是幾點開始?What time is the movie/show?
退票 I need a refund.
不能退換的 It is not refundable.
座位更改 Can I change my seat?
詢問是否能拍照 Can I take photos here?
我忘記帶証件 I forgot my ID.
他真是太過氣了S/he is all washed-up.
如你所願囉 As you wish.
希望不會冒犯你 Hope it is not offensive.
他一定會嚇一跳S/he will freak out.
太好了!/太棒了!/太可笑了!That is wonderful/ terrific/ ridiculous!
太可惜了/ 太遺憾了 That is too bad.
這恐怕不在行程裡It is not on the wish list.
我別無選擇了I don’t have a choice.
你需要運動了 You need to exercise.
我們去逛街 Let’s go shopping.
我們去爬山 Let’s go hiking.
有一間新開的店 There is a new open store.
你喜歡做什麼運動? What kind of sports do you like?
我喜歡打網球(球類運動) I like to play tennis
我喜歡騎腳踏車 I like biking.
我喜歡游泳 I like to go swimming.
我喜歡跳舞 I like dancing.
我想呼吸新鮮空氣 I need some fresh air.
我想去旅行 I want to go traveling.
我想去聽演唱會 I want to go to the concert.
票太貴了 I cannot afford the ticket.
你可以參加抽獎活動 You can join the lucky draw.
我想去海邊!I want to go to the beach!
你知道音樂節嗎? Do you know the music festival?
夕陽真的超美的 The sunset is amazing.
那裡的食物很有特色 The food there is very exotic.
文化差異 It is cultural difference.
現在不是去那個地方的好時機 It is not the best time to visit.
我是伴娘 I am the bridesmaid.
我是伴郎 I am the best man.
新娘/新郎是我的好朋友 The bride/ groom is my best friend.
那是我最愛的作家 That is my favorite writer.
那是我最愛的女/男演員 That is my favorite actress/actor.
那是我最愛的歌手 That is my favorite singer.
週末到了我好興奮 I feel stoked about the weekend.
Unit 9 交通工具搭乘
有點晚了 It is late.
我想我該回家了 I think I need to go home.
需要搭便車嗎 Do you need a ride?
你要怎麼回家? How do you go home?
我該搭乘什麼交通工具 What should I take?
請問公車站牌在哪 Where is the bus stop?
登機門在哪裡?Do you know where the gate is?
你需要轉乘 You need to transfer.
一路平安 Safe trip.
小心點 Be careful.
我迷路了 I am lost.
交通真是一團糟 The traffic is terrible.
行李太重了 My luggage is overweight.
他們把我的行李搞丟了 They lost my luggage.
我會暈船 I got boat sick.
我會暈車 I have car sick.
我不會開車 I don’t know how to drive.
你是一個好駕駛 You are a good driver.
酒後不開車 Don’t drink and drive.
我的班機誤點了 My plane is delayed.
火車站見 I will meet you at the train station.
叫車比較安全 It’s safer to call a cab.
到…接我 Pick me up at….
我通常搭公車上學 I usually go to school by bus./by plane/by train
我們走路去上班 We go to work on foot.
我沒趕上火車 I missed the train.
我喜歡自己旅行 I like to travel alone.
我要買/訂機票 I would like to buy/book a ticket.
票價是多少錢? How much is the ticket fare?
我在公車上 I am on a bus.
你可以搭乘大眾運輸工具 You can take public transportation.
好好保重Take care.
我能試試看 I can try to make it happen.