POCKET / □□□□ / 口袋
It’s hard for you to recall how it feels like when your hands touched it. The memories of using the pocket and the trace left by using the pocket, it’s all about personal histories and
individual lives.
中英雙語兼備的圖文半年刊《瀑布》發行第三期了!此次以「口袋」為主題 ,首批一千份限量版封面採銀墨印刷並燙上雙色文字,隨書並附贈海報,以受日本設計師喜愛聞名的單光白牛皮紙印製,收藏性極高。以策展的概念去規劃,每一期的瀑布都有屬於當期的核心概念,本期的「口袋」意欲從創作中挖掘那些在人的一生中,獨特與珍貴的過往時光,收錄的作品種類泛及散文、插畫、攝影與服裝等。以美國年輕攝影師Charlie Engman與藝術家羅浥葳的作品為例,前者照片中的復古木頭抽屜與後者捕捉到的老舊照相亭內部,都暗指了過去與當下自己的依存關係。姚瑞中過去十年中所拍攝的黑白照片,更顯露了藝術家在當時的真實心境。插畫家兒子以民國早期舊書為本所創作出的人體植物拼貼,則在詭譎氣氛當中企圖操縱異國風情與平凡日常的風格角力。 在「口袋護身符」的系列作品,來自柏林的藝術家Carlos他沿著柏林街道四處找尋被人遺落的零件或遺棄的紙屑,以可收藏在口袋裡為基準,重新組合過後成為個人獨用的護身符。連結歷史、當代社會與個人情感,他的「口袋」已不再只是「口袋」,而成為一種獨特的象徵,為此期刊物畫下完美句點。
假象 The Fake | 夏夏
There is only one kind of food.
I have being haunted fiercely by this stuborn attachment of “one kind only”. It might be indicating to the fact that the world itself already has too much complexity. Thus, I unconsciously jumped into a freezed state of mind in order to adapt. Or the truth is, everything on this planet is just so seriously plain and sole. Nothing else.
You can imagine the wave of vibration can be ended in stillness when its speed is too rapidly handed over. The effort behind was genuinely smoke and mirrors. Though it sometimes may lead you to an exit; it may guide back to the route you have just been on.
I put my hands into the pocket and check how many chips are left inside. I feel so relieved because at least it is a real pocket that does not deceive.
Always Looking For Always
Open your eyes. Wake up. Check the weather. Go out. Passing by strangers. Say hello. Staring at your reflection. Shop in the market. Exchange the look with strangers. Spend your time on finding a key longer than unlock the door. Forget the two-thirds of the whole things you've been through today unconsciously. Even though, you still pretend not knowing that you're having a life which repeated 85% of itself day after day. Surf on the internet. Turn on TV. All the headlines will become the rubbish on the street by tomorrow. Choose specific people to remember their preferences as many as possible. Probably know several ways to comfort a person, but never care about the care label of your clothes. Sometimes, you can't tell the differences between the smell of a soap and the smell of a squid. Toss away the old stuffs and buy the new one instead. Toss away things you don't like and get a new one you like. Believe that some day, the world will be different. Or there will be some world, everyday is different. Anyways.