
NT $ 179
  • 作者:繁星多媒體
  • 出版社:繁星多媒體
  • 出版日期:2010-07-19
  • 語言:繁體中文
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 128頁 / 19 x 25 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版







一、張騫 Zhang Qian
China's First Explorer 中國第一位探險家
No More Insults and Conciliation 再也不要忍辱求和
A Decade Under House Arrest 十年軟禁
The Pioneer who Opened the Road to the West 開通西路第一人
Exchange Between the East and the West 中西交流

二、玄奘 Xuanzang
Walking Through His Heart's Desire 走出胸中的世界
Searching for the Truth for all Beings 為眾生尋訪正典
A Pilgrimage over Hills and Through Valleys 翻山越嶺的朝聖路
Opening the New Generation of Buddhism 開啟佛教新紀元
An Exciting Historical Account and Novel 精彩的史料與小說

三、鄭和 Zheng He
The Eunuch from a Glorious Era 輝煌時代的宦官
Paying Tribute and Monetary Diplomacy 朝貢與金錢外交
Navigation Guided by Constellations 以星座定位的航行
The Navigation Pioneer 航海壯舉第一人
Trade and the Mazu Faith 貿易與媽祖信仰

四、馬可波羅 Marco Polo
The Son of a Merchant 貿易商之子
Describe Europe to Me 為我轉述歐洲
A Long Journey 漫長的旅程
I Haven't Finished Yet 我還沒說完呢!
Another Name for Adventure 旅遊冒險的代名詞

五、哥倫布 Columbus
A Hero with a Mysterious Past 身世成謎的英雄
The World must be Round 地球應該是圓的
Departing from the Shores of Spain 從西班牙港口出發
Discovering the American Continent 發現美洲新大陸
Big Changes Induced by the Big Discovery 大發現的大改變

六、麥哲倫 Magellan
The Downfallen Royal Ship Captain 沒落的貴族船長
A Dream of Going on a Ship Expedition 乘船探險的夢想
Sailing from Spain 從西班牙啟航
The First Voyage Through the Pacific Ocean 首次橫渡太平洋
The Invasion of the Navigation Era 大航海時代的侵略

七、詹姆斯.庫克船長 Captain James Cook
A Remarkable British Navigator 傑出的英國航海家
Exploring the Unfilled Parts in the Map 探索地圖空白之處
Circumnavigating the World from West to East 自西向東環繞世界
The Terminal Point in the Hawaiian Islands 夏威夷群島的終點
If We Hadn't Appear 如果我們不曾出現

八、歐內斯特.沙克爾頓爵士 Sir Ernest Shackleton
I Want to Lead a Life at Sea 我要過海上生活
Am I not Able to Challenge the South Pole 我無法挑戰南極嗎
Reaching the South Pole by Foot 徒步邁向南極
All Twenty-eight were Rescued 二十八人全部獲救
The Greatest Leader 最偉大的領導者

九、阿梅莉亞.埃爾哈特 Amelia Earhart
Life is Spectacular Because of Flight 人生因飛行而精彩
I was Just Baggage 我只是一件行李
Solo Flight Across the Atlantic 單獨飛越大西洋
A desire to Fly Around the World 嚮往環球飛行
The Representative of Feminism 女權主義代表人物

十、尼爾.阿姆斯壯 Neil Armstrong
The Eternal American Astronaut 永遠的美國太空人
Exploring Space and Challenging Himself 探索太空挑戰自己
Exploring Space on a Spacecraft 搭乘太空梭升空
The First Footprint on the Moon 月球的第一個腳印
A Small Step and a Giant Step 一小步與一大步

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