UNIT ONE Making Inferences from Statistics (統計結果的推論及應用)
Briefly introduce a market trend. 簡述市場趨勢
Use statistics that reflect this market trend and its impact.運用反映市場趨勢的統計結果及其影響
State the implications of those statistics. 統計結果的運用
Make a recommendation based on those statistics. 根據統計結果做成建議
UNIT TWO Describing Organizational or Technical Needs (描述組織或科技需求)
Briefly introduce a technology sector or market niche. 簡述一個科技部門或市場利基
Describe an external or internal factor affecting that sector or niche. 內外部影響科技部門或市場利基的因素
Introduce a specific problem that hinders development of that sector or niche. 描述一個阻礙科技部門或市場利基發展的問題
State the technical or marketing need that must be addressed to resolve this problem. 說明必須解決這個問題的科技或市場需求
UNIT THREE Explaining Difficulties in Developing a Product or Service(描述產業所面臨的困境)
Describe the general setting for developing a particular product or service. 描述產品或服務研發的流程配置
Introduce the main problem(s) that managers face in developing that product or service.描述產品或服務研發主要的問題點
State the implications or consequences of the problem(s) remaining unresolved. 描述不解決問點的後果
UNIT FOUR Summarizing the Results of a Project (方案結果的總結)
Introduce the objective of a project. 方案目標介紹
Describe the methodology for the project. 方法論介紹
State the main results of the project. 描述方案實行後會產生的主要成果
Describe the main contribution of the project to a particular field or sector. 描述對特定領域或部門的貢獻
UNIT FIVE Describing Recent Technical Accomplishments in a Company (描述公 司最新的科技成就)
Briefly describe the role of a company in a particular sector. 描述公司在特定領域或部門的角色
Describe a unique feature of the organization in developing a particular technology. 描述一個研發特殊科技公司的特色
Cite an example of a recent endeavor. 舉一個最近的實例
Summarize the technical accomplishments of the organization in a particular sector. 總結公司研發的特殊科技對特定領域的貢獻
UNIT SIX Citing Examples of Product/Service Commercialization(產品/服務銷售實例)
Introduce the main emphases of a sector or industry. 簡述特定部門或產業所強調的主要重點
Cite specific applications, including examples of commercialization. 舉出商品化的特定實例
Describe the mid-term or long term benefits of such commercialization to a particular field of technology. 說明產品/服務商品化後對特定領域或部門的中長期利益
Describe the mid-term or long term benefits of such commercialization for practical purposes. 說明產品/服務商品化後在商業實際運用裡的中長期利益
UNIT SEVEN Identifying Future Directions and Challenges in Developing a Product or Service (產品/服務開發的未來動向及挑戰)
Introduce a sector or industry concerned with the development of a specific product or service. 簡述部門或產業對特定產品/服務的關注
Describe product or service development in detail. 針對特定產品/服務的發展詳細說明
Cite a specific application. 舉一個特定應用實例
Describe future directions or potential applications of this product or service. 說明該產品/服務未來的發展方向及其發展潛能
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