"Adventures in Reading" is a three-book high-interest reading series for secondary and non-credit community college ESL student. This series is designed to promote their reading comprehension
and vocabulary skills - to help these students achieve academic and social success. Its features include: adventure-based reading passages profile exciting adventures like biking down a volcano
in Hawaii, running the Boston Marathon, and discovering an underground city in Australia; picture dictionary approach to vocabulary building prepares students to effectively tackle new
readings; reading comprehension tasks presented in standardized testing formats prepare students for success in a variety of standardized tests; critical reading skills like making inferences,
identifying cause and effect, and many others are taught and recycled; cooperative learning tasks with graphic organizers promote the development of critical thinking skills; internet search
activities encourage students to further explore each topic. Components per Level include: Student Book (includes Scope and Sequence and Skills index); Teacher's Manual (with answer key,
chapter quizzes, and vocabulary activities); Audio cassette with recordings of all readings; and Audio CD with recordings of all readings.