第一章 招標及邀標文件(Bid & Tender document)
一、台灣高鐵維修基地廠房營建工程徵詢投標意願(Construction of Maintenance Bases and Depots - Expressions of Interest)
二、總包工程決標通知書(Letter of Acceptance-Main Contractor)
三、帷幕牆工程決標通知書(Curtain wall Works - Letter of Acceptance)
四、指定分包工程投標文件內容(Tender Documents of Nominated Sub-contract)
第二章 合約條款;施工規範(Contract;Specification)
一、環境政策(Environmental Policy)
二、總包機具設備(Main Contractor’s Facilities)
三、火警警報系統施工規範(Specification of Fire Alarm System)
四、物料運送(Material Delivery)
五、電焊施工管理(Welding Operation Control)
六、槽銲超音波檢查標準(Inspection Standard of Ultrasonic of Groove Welds)
七、磁粒檢測標準(Inspection Standard of Magnetic Particle Test)
八、混凝土強度不符合規定之處理要點及說明(Treatment for Failing to Meet the Concrete Strength Requirement)
九、鋼骨工程特殊說明(Special Conditions for Structural Steel Project)
十、巨積混凝土(Mass Concrete)
十一、工程承攬合約書──特別條款(Conditions of Contract──Special)
十二、工程保固書(Deed of Indemnity)
第三章 施工計畫∕品管計畫∕報告(Method Statement∕QC Plan∕Report)
一、逆打工法施工計畫(Method Statement for Top-down Construction Method)
二、設備及帷幕牆版件吊運臨時開口計畫(Temporary Opening for M&E Equipment and Curtain Wall Panels)
三、品質稽核作業(Quality Inspection)
四、不合格事項矯正與預防措施(Correction and Prevention of Disqualified Matters)
五、品質紀錄管理作業(Quality Record Control)
六、懸吊式隔音金屬天花板(Suspended Acoustical Metal Panel Ceiling)
七、焊接程序及規範相關問題(Welding Process and related Specification Problem)
八、塔樓區段工程延長工期案評估(Assessment of EOT Entitlement for Tower Section)
九、設計修正(Modified Design)
十、停車場規劃(Car-park Planning)
十一、災害狀況(Status of Damages)
十二、復工審查會(Meeting for the Review of Re-Mobilization)
十三、震害調查與復工研討會(Earthquake Investigation and Site Resumption Seminar)
十四、塔樓區箱型柱內灌漿實體模型試驗(Concrete Filled in Box Column Mock-up)
十五、不合格(不符合)事項矯正與預防措施(Correction and Prevention of Disqualified∕Incompliant Matters)
十六、品質管理程序書(Procedure of Quality Management)
十七、高科技工業廠房在台灣(High-tech Plant in Taiwan)
第四章 會議記錄;備忘錄;書信(Minutes;Memo;Letters)
一、帷幕牆扣件與托架檢驗(Inspection off Curtain Wall Anchors and Brackets)
二、回覆鋼構承包商之展延通知(Re:Delay Notification)
三、外部與建築照明電源及迴路(External and Architectural Lighting & Its Circuits)
四、設備問題檢討與結論(M&E Problems and Solution)
五、辦理外籍勞工招募事宜(Foreign Labor Recruitment)
六、要求呈交相關之保險保單(Request for submitting relevant Insurance Policy)
七、未完成之設計項目-行動表(Outstanding Design Items-Action List)
八、承商計畫延遲 第一節修正工程(Contractor proposal to delay Tier #1 Rectification work)
九、延遲通知細節---85樓以上樓層OWI之機械及電力修正(Detail Particular to Delay Notification──OWIs of Mechanical and Electrical Revisions for Level 85 to RF)
十、能源管理控制系統整合替代方案(Alternative Proposal of EMCS System Integration)
十一a、B5F筏基層儲冰槽感應器位置變更事宜(Ice Tanks Inventory Sensor Location Change at B5F Pit)
十一b、B5F筏基層儲冰槽( 附Ice Inventory Sensor)位置變更事宜(Pit Revised Location for Ice Tanks with Ice Inventory Sensor)
十二a、購物中心區夾層格柵板開口圖無法提送(Mall Area Mezzanine Grating Opening Drawing Cannot Be Submitted)
十二b、空調箱機房夾層(AHU Room of Mezzanine Floor)
十三、儲冰系統問題點(Ice Tank System Questions)
十四、空調工程之水管配件請准予使用國產品(Allow to Use Domestic HVAC Pipe Fittings)
十五、空調用水管配件(HVAC Pipe Fitting)
十六、修正總包進度表送審(Revised master schedule submittal)
十七、二期工程及內裝工程要求(Requirement for Phase II & Fit-Out Works)
十八、消音設施指示事項(Instructions for Acoustic Provisions)
十九、帷幕牆協調會議(Coordination Meeting of Curtain Wall)
二十、帷幕牆承包商財務問題協商會議(Minutes of Coordination Meeting for C∕W Sub-contractor’s Financial Issues)
二十一、鋼構作業表現不佳(Unsatisfactory Performance of Steel Works)
二十二、建築師要求追加加勁板補強作業(Additional Stiffener Works Required by Architect )
二十三、材料的損壞及瑕疵對工程進度所造成之影響(The Effect of Damaged and Deficient Material on the Project Schedule)
二十四、設備電導管跨鋼樑舖設穿越鋼承板補強事宜(Regarding Reinforcement for Electric Conduit pass through Metal Deck where Striding over steel beam, Please refer to the Statement below)
第五章 表格∕檢查表∕工作指示(Form∕Check - List∕Work Instruction)
一、材料試驗(檢驗)∕設備∕工程檢驗申請單(Request for Material Test & Inspection∕MEP∕Construction Inspection)
二、 現場施工修改方案(FMP;Field Modification Proposal)
三、現場施工未符合報告(NCR;Site Non - Conformance Report)
四、請求進場測量∕安裝(Request for Access for Survey∕Installation)
五、未完成工作通知(Notification of Building Works)
六、損壞報告(Damage Report Sheet)
七、口頭指示確認單(Confirmation of Verbal Instruction)
八、塔式吊車使用申請單(Tower Crane Usage Application)
九、塔式∕移動式起重機月保養檢查項目表(Monthly Check List for Tower Crane∕Mobile Crane)
十、帷幕牆工程自走式吊車安裝作業安全檢查表(Curtain Wall Works──Safety in Floor Crane Installation Check List)
十一、帷幕牆工程安全措施拆除作業安全檢查表(Curtain Wall Works──Safety in Removal of Safety Devices Check List)
十二、帷幕牆單元吊裝作業安全檢查表(Curtain Wall Works──Safety in Curtain Wall Unit Hanging Check List)
十三、帷幕牆預埋件∕單元運送作業安全檢查表(Curtain Wall Works──Operation Safety in Embed∕Unit Delivery Check List)
十四、混凝土工程自主檢查表(Concrete Grouting Check List)
十四a、混凝土工程自主檢查表(Concrete Grouting Check List)
十五、防水工程自主檢查表(Waterproofing Work Check List)
十六、水泥砂漿自主檢查表(Mortar Check List)
十七、PU施工前自主檢查表(Check List for Substrate Cleaning before PU Application)
十八、防火被覆噴附前自主檢查表(Fireproofing Self-Inspection Sheet Before Pouring)
十九、扶手及欄杆檢查表(Ornamental Handrails & Railings Control Card)
二十、線型金屬天花檢查表(Linear Mental Ceilings Control Card)
二十一、測量及繫件放樣檢查(Survey and Anchor Layout Inspection)
二十二、預埋件安裝(Embed Installation)
二十三、植釘焊接外包供應商審核(External Supplier of Stud Welding Audit)
二十四a、焊接植釘之前(Stud Welding Inspection(Prior to stud welded))
二十四b、植釘焊接檢查(非破壞性測試)(Stud Welding Inspection(NDT))
二十五a、帷幕牆單元安裝檢查表(Unit Installation Inspection)
二十五b、帷幕牆單元安裝檢查(Unit Installation Inspection)
二十六、扣件銲接檢查(Anchor Plate Welding Inspection)
二十七a、巨型柱焊接品質(MEGA Column Welding Quality)
二十七b、巨型柱內隔板FCAW電焊品質改善對策(The improvement for the FCAW weld of diaphragm of Mega-column)
第六章 機具∕材料∕專業廠商∕分類廣告(Equipment∕Material∕Professional∕Advertisement)
三、營建專案管理顧問公司徵才(Virtual Step──Ensure Project Success)
四、Simon Ultimate Washer Series
五、High-rise concrete pumping to 532M –New world record for PM
六、The S-tube for placing difficult concrete and high wear resistance.