(共 4 筆)
Complementation and Case Grammar: A Syntactic and Semantic Study of Selected Patterns of Complementation in Present Day English
- 出版日期:1989-09-01
- 作者:Juhani,Rudanko
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 1,348 -
Prepositions and Complement Clauses: A Syntactic and Semantic Study of Verbs Governing Prepositions and Complement Clauses in Pr
- 出版日期:1996-03-01
- 作者:Juhani,Martti Juhani/ Rudanko,Rudanko
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 2,318 -
Complementation and Case Grammar: A Syntactic and Semantic Study of Selected Patterns of Complementation in Present-Day English
- 出版日期:1989-08-01
- 作者:Juhani,Rudanko
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 2,543 -
Pragmatic Approaches to Shakespeare: Essays on Othello, Coriolanus, and Timon of Athens
- 出版日期:1993-07-01
- 作者:Juhani,Rudanko
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 3,735