bokeno 搜尋結果 (共 2 筆) 最低價 最新書籍最低價最高價最相關 進階篩選 Selling Yourself and Your Ideas: A Text/Workbook for Building Presentation Skills 出版日期:2012-01-20作者:Bokeno,Cami Pierce,Crystal Rae Coel/ Coffelt,R. Michael/ Coleman,Stephen A./ Duffy,Tina A./ Cox出版社:Baker & Taylor Books $ 2,250 Selling Yourself and Your Ideas: A Text/Workbook for Building Presentation Skills 出版日期:2015-07-02作者:Bokeno,Cami Pierce,Crystal Rae Coel/ Coffelt,R. Michael/ Coleman,Stephen A./ Duffy,Tina A./ Cox出版社:Baker & Taylor Books $ 2,730 × 排序: 最新書籍 最低價 最高價 最相關