Strong Is the New Pretty: A Celebration of Girls Being Themselves

Strong Is the New Pretty: A Celebration of Girls Being Themselves
NT $ 628
  • 作者:Kate T.Parker
  • 出版社:Workman Pub Co
  • 出版日期:2017-03-07
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0761189130
  • ISBN13:9780761189138
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 22.9 x 24.1 x 1.3 cm / 普通級



  AMAZON 4.9顆星好評不斷!

  父母們常依自己的想像投射到孩子身上,女孩經常被認為要漂亮、溫柔、體貼。然而攝影師媽媽Kate T. Parker可不這麼認為,她要她兩個寶貝女兒盡情做自己,上山下海、動靜自如,以鏡頭捕捉女孩們傻氣、固執、好動、勇敢、驕傲的每一瞬間。她在女兒攝影日誌大獲好評之後,進而拍攝更多女孩,成為這一部攝影集Strong Is the New Pretty。

  在這本超過175張由女孩們100%展現自己的攝影集中,Parker走遍世界各地,拍攝女孩們的果敢姿態並記錄下她們挑戰自我的故事,完美捕捉她們運動時頑強的眼神、由衷散發的自信與擁抱世界的美好笑容。Strong Is the New Pretty不只記錄力與美的影像,更激發你我「做好自己」的勇氣。(文/博客來編譯)

  Strong Is the New Pretty攝影專頁

  A celebration of strong girls in photographs. These remarkable images of girls range from yogis to skateboarders to cancer survivors to valedictorians, and prove that female strength is more than just muscles-it's being confident, creative, determined, fearless, independent, joyful, kind, resilient, and wild.

  Girls being fearless. Girls being silly. Girls being wild, stubborn, and proud. Girls whose faces are smeared with dirt and lit up with joy. So simple and yet so powerful, Strong Is the New Pretty celebrates, through more than 175 memorable photographs, the strength and spirit of girls being 100% themselves.

  Real beauty isn’t about being a certain size, acting a certain way, wearing the right clothes, or having your hair done (or even brushed). Real beauty is about being your authentic self and owning it. Kate T. Parker is a professional photographer who finds the real beauty in girls, capturing it for all the world to see in candid and arresting images.

  A celebration, a catalog of spirit in words and smiles, an affirmation of the fact that it’s what’s inside you that counts, Strong Is the New Pretty conveys a powerful message for every girl, for every mother and father of a girl, for every coach and mentor and teacher, for everyone in the village that it takes to raise a strong and self-confident person.
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