1.美國最有權威性的字典出版社-韋式字典。介紹超過3500個單字,以及超過200個新字及字根。 2.此書可讓讀者豐富且有趣的討論中了解希臘以及拉丁字根。 3.透過字根可以增進讀者的字彙能力。 4.集合收入相通字根的字彙,讓學習更簡單。 5.附有測試字彙學習的小測驗。 6.可以此書增進字彙能力準備英文檢定考試,如 SAT, ACT, TOEFL AND TOEIC等。 The ideal book
for people who want to increase their word power. Thorough coverage of 1,200 words and 240 roots while introducing 2,300 words. The Vocabulary Builder is organized by Greek and Latin roots for
effective study with nearly 250 new words and roots. Includes quizzes after each root discussion to test progress. A great study aid for students preparing to take standardized tests.