irwin edt
(共 15 筆)
Violin Solos: Easy First and Third Position With Accompaniment
- 出版日期:1995-07-01
- 作者:Hoffman,Irwin (EDT)
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 593 -
Reprints from the People’’s Songs Bulletin 1946-1949
- 出版日期:2006-09-01
- 作者:Irwin (EDT)/ Seeger,Pete (EDT),Silber
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 628 -
American Favorite Ballads: Tunes and Songs As Sung by Pete Seeger
- 出版日期:2006-09-01
- 作者:Ethel (EDT),Irwin (EDT)/ Raim,Pete (COP)/ Silber,Seeger
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 663 -
Understanding the Music Business
- 出版日期:2009-12-16
- 作者:Harmon (EDT),Irwin (EDT)/ Greenblatt,Steinberg
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 873 -
Songs of the Civil War
- 出版日期:1995-03-07
- 作者:Irwin (EDT),Silber
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 873 -
State in Time
- 出版日期:2014-12-01
- 作者:Irwin (EDT)
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 1,120 -
East Art Map: Contemporary Art And Eastern Europe
- 出版日期:2006-06-09
- 作者:Irwin (EDT)
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 1,575 -
Contemporary Studies of Swift’s Poetry
- 出版日期:1980-12-01
- 作者:Donald C.,John Irwin (EDT),Jr. (EDT)/ Fischer,Mell
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 1,575 -
The Golden Age: Green Lantern Archives
- 出版日期:1999-05-01
- 作者:Bill (EDT)/ Nodell,Finger,Irwin (EDT),Martin (EDT)/ Hasen
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 1,748 -
Reading the Boss: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Works of Bruce Springsteen
- 出版日期:2010-08-31
- 作者:Harde,Irwin (EDT),Roxanne (EDT)/ Streight
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 1,800 -
Clinical And Research Uses Of An Adolescent Mental Health Intake Questionnaire: What Kids Need To Talk About
- 出版日期:2005-08-30
- 作者:Daniel (EDT),Irwin (EDT)/ Medeiros,Ken (EDT)/ Epstein,Peake
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 2,580 -
Seneca Unmasqued: Aphra Behn’s Translation of LA Rochefoucauld’s Maxims : A Bilingual Edition
- 出版日期:1996-11-01
- 作者:Aphra/ Primer,duc de/ Behn,Francois,Irwin,Irwin (EDT)/ Primer,La Rochefoucauld
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 3,128 -
Bernard Mandeville’s ”a Modest Defence of Publick Stews”: Prostitution And Its Discontents in Early Georgian England
- 出版日期:2006-03-16
- 作者:Bernard/ Primer,Irwin,Irwin (EDT)/ Primer,Irwin (INT)/ Phil-porney/ Mandeville,Primer
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 3,148 -
Reading the Boss: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Works of Bruce Springsteen
- 出版日期:2010-08-31
- 作者:Harde,Irwin (EDT),Roxanne (EDT)/ Streight
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 3,780 -
Understanding the Music Business: A Comprehensive View
- 出版日期:1998-04-01
- 作者:Harmon (EDT),Irwin (EDT)/ Steinberg,Irwin/ Greenblatt,Steinberg
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 4,509