helen craig trn
(共 4 筆)
The Tale of the Heike
- 出版日期:1988-05-01
- 作者:Helen Craig (TRN),McCullough
- 出版社:Stanford Univ Pr
$ 1,048 -
Genji & Heike: Selections from the Tale of Genji and the Tale of the Heike
- 出版日期:1994-04-01
- 作者:Helen Craig (TRN),McCullough
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 1,663 -
$ 4,050
Kokin Wakashu: The First Imperial Anthology of Japanese Poetry
- 出版日期:1985-11-01
- 作者:Helen Craig (TRN),McCullough
- 出版社:Stanford Univ Pr
$ 4,275